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Commit of initial test version. MD5: 0a2890b53a7567eba6abf5c278f1d3cc SHA256: 424ca85fd8af269bd10862729fca86ef986b5ed9549c2c426a3dbdeaa50fa1d8 SHA512: 4820b8d58c06236d1a1dd092e52ba0de7cb9de7393545f0e5a5fd31852e6380 057e65ccb4dc788dc816ac984f23c3f8e8e44707f1961a9f0f89b84ddb0a617f1
Commit of release folder.
Test version complete. The open issue is whether starting a thread will solve the problem, or whether spawning a process will be necessary.
Implemented looping and CTRL-C/CTRL-BREAK handling.
Initial commit. | ViewVC Help |
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