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\section{Introduction To \emph{Insektengericht} And Lessons Learned}
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(German language: \emph{insect court}) is a word
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we learned from a page of a \emph{Beavis and Butthead}\index{Beavis and Butthead}
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comic book purchased
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in the M\"unchen Hauptbahnhoff around 1995. In a page of this comic
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book---titled \emph{Insektengericht}---Beavis and Butthead sit in judgement
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of insects. Without exception, the verdict is
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\emph{schuldig} (guilty), and the sentence is harsh
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(\emph{Tod durch explodieren}, or ``death by explosion'', is typical in the
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Beavis and Butthead schema of insect justice).
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Just like Beavis and Butthead, in this section we sit in judgement of software
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defects (or bugs)---probably with a similar conviction rate and similar
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sentencing guidelines.
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The importance of analyzing software defects can't be overemphasized.
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The analysis of defects supplies valuable information about what
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\emph{can} go wrong and what is \emph{most likely} to go wrong.
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Because it isn't possible in any product development
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process to eliminate \emph{all} types of
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software defects, analysis of the relative frequency
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of different types of software defects allows
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one to concentrate on the ``hotspots'', or types of
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software defects shown most likely to occur.
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In this part of the work (\emph{Insektengericht}) we strive
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to present each different \emph{type} of software defect we've
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encountered, and we try to avoid presenting nearly
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identical defects, as this is redundant and has no
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instructional value. We haven't kept track of
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the relative frequency of different types of defects.
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We begin in this chapter with a mother lode of intermittent software defects,
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interrupt service.
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$Author: dtashley $
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% Revision 1.2 2001/07/01 20:37:27 dtashley
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% Move out of binary mode for use with CVS.
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% ***************** Version 2 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 1/31/01 Time: 4:20p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, IRD0, Interrupt-Related Software Defects
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% Edits.
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% ***************** Version 1 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 1/28/01 Time: 10:08p
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% Created in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, IRD0, Interrupt-Related Software Defects
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% Initial check-in.
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