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\beginchapterquote{``The number of primes less than 1,000,000,000 is
8 |
50,847,478: this is enough for an engineer, and he
9 |
can be perfectly happy without the rest.''}
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{G.H. Hardy \cite{bibref:b:mathematiciansapology:1940}, p. 102}
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%Section Tag INT0
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This chapter presents important properties of integers and prime numbers; and
20 |
related topics and concepts. Nearly all of the ideas presented come from
21 |
number theory (a branch of mathematics).
22 |
23 |
Our aim in this chapter is to provide the reader
24 |
with the background necessary to understand other
25 |
topics in the work (Farey series,
26 |
continued fractions, and rational approximation).
27 |
Because this work is concerned with microcontroller
28 |
software development (rather than mathematics),
29 |
the treatment is regrettably minimal.
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\section{Sets Of Integers}
36 |
%Section tag: SOI0
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39 |
An\index{integer}\index{sets of integers}\index{integer!sets of}
40 |
\emph{integer} is a positive or negative whole number, such as 0,
41 |
$\pm$1, $\pm$2, $\pm$3, \ldots{} (\cite{bibref:b:penguindictionaryofmathematics:2ded}).
42 |
The set of integers is denoted $\vworkintset$:\index{Z@$\vworkintset$}%
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
\vworkintset = \{ \ldots{} , -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots{} \}.
47 |
48 |
49 |
A \emph{natural number}\index{natural number}\index{counting number}
50 |
\index{integer!natural number}\index{integer!counting number} (or \emph{counting number})
51 |
is a positive integer,
52 |
such as 1, 2, 3, \ldots{} (\cite{bibref:b:penguindictionaryofmathematics:2ded}).
53 |
In this work, the set of natural numbers is denoted
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
\vworkintsetpos = \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, \ldots{} \}.
58 |
59 |
60 |
A \emph{non-negative integer}\index{non-negative integer}\index{integer!non-negative}
61 |
is an integer which is not negative,
62 |
such as 0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots{}. In this work, the set of non-negative
63 |
integers is denoted $\vworkintsetnonneg$:\footnote{This notation is
64 |
somewhat unconventional, as in most works $\vworkintsetnonneg$ denotes
65 |
the set of natural numbers; see \cite{bibref:b:penguindictionaryofmathematics:2ded},
66 |
p. 223.}\index{Z+@$\vworkintsetnonneg$}\index{integer!Z+@$\vworkintsetnonneg$}
67 |
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69 |
\vworkintsetnonneg = \{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, \ldots{} \}.
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\section{Divisibility Of Integers With No Remainder}
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78 |
We follow the convention of \cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}
79 |
and use `$\vworkdivides$'
80 |
\index{divides@divides ($\vworkdivides$)}
81 |
\index{--@$\vworkdivides$ (divides)}
82 |
to denote that one integer can divide
83 |
another with no remainder, and use `$\vworknotdivides$'
84 |
\index{divides@divides ($\vworkdivides$)}
85 |
\index{--@$\vworknotdivides$ (doesn't divide)}
86 |
to denote
87 |
that one integer cannot divide another without a
88 |
remainder. $a \vworkdivides b$, read ``$a$
89 |
divides $b$'', denotes that $b/a$ has no remainder; and
90 |
$a \vworknotdivides b$, read ``$a$ does not divide $b$'', denotes
91 |
that $b/a$ has a remainder.
92 |
93 |
The following implications (\cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}, p. 1)
94 |
are intuitively plain, and we accept them without proof.
95 |
96 |
97 |
b \vworkdivides a \wedge c \vworkdivides b \vworkhimp c \vworkdivides a
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99 |
100 |
101 |
b \vworkdivides a \vworkhimp b c \vworkdivides a c
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
c \vworkdivides a \wedge c \vworkdivides b \vworkhimp c \vworkdivides (m a + n b)
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\section{Prime Numbers And Composite Numbers}
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%Section tag: PNC0
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A \emph{prime number}\index{prime number} (or, more tersely, a \emph{prime})
117 |
is a natural number
118 |
which has as its natural-number factors only 1 and itself.
119 |
Any natural number which is not a prime is a product of primes, and is called
120 |
a \emph{composite number}\index{composite number} (or just a \emph{composite}).
121 |
The number `1' is considered neither prime nor composite.
122 |
123 |
As examples, the first ten prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,
124 |
13, 17, 19, 23, and 29. The first ten composite numbers are
125 |
$4 = 2 \times 2$,
126 |
$6 = 2 \times 3$,
127 |
$8 = 2 \times 2 \times 2$,
128 |
$9 = 3 \times 3$,
129 |
$10 = 2 \times 5$,
130 |
$12 = 2 \times 2 \times 3$,
131 |
$14 = 2 \times 7$,
132 |
$15 = 3 \times 5$,
133 |
$16 = 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2$,
134 |
and $18 = 2 \times 3 \times 3$.
135 |
136 |
Many properties of prime numbers were understood even prior
137 |
to Euclid's time\footnote{Euclid's \emph{gcd($\cdot{},\cdot{}$)} algorithm, for example,
138 |
dates back to at least 200 B.C.} ($\approx$200 B.C.), but many other properties
139 |
were discovered relatively recently (1600 A.D. and later). In recent history,
140 |
the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers into their [large] prime
141 |
components has become a linchpin of cryptography.
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\section{Properties Of Prime Numbers}
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%Subsection Tag: PPN0
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This section presents several important properties of prime numbers. Most
152 |
of our readers---presumably being in predominantly technical vocations---are
153 |
probably familiar with most of these properties.
154 |
155 |
Prime numbers are the fundamental currency of arithmetic---the fundamental
156 |
atomic ``stuff'' from which all integers are constructed. The first properties
157 |
presented involve this aspect of primes. The presentation and the
158 |
presentation order in
159 |
\cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic} is perfect, so we don't deviate.
160 |
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163 |
Every positive integer, except 1, is a product of primes.
164 |
165 |
166 |
See \cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}, p. 2.
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170 |
When a number is factored into its prime components, we
171 |
follow \cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}, p. 2 in defining
172 |
a standard (or canonical) form for such a factorization.
173 |
174 |
Theorem \ref{thm:cpri0:ppn0:00} establishes that any integer, except 1, can be factored
175 |
into prime components. Theorem \ref{thm:cpri0:ppn0:01} (The Fundamental Theorem Of
176 |
Arithmetic), establishes a stronger result---that such a factorization
177 |
is unique.
178 |
179 |
180 |
n = p_1^{a_1} p_2^{a_2} \ldots{} p_k^{a_k}; \;
181 |
(a_1 > 0, a_2 > 0, \ldots{} , a_k > 0, p_1 < p_2 < \ldots{} < p_k)
182 |
183 |
184 |
\begin{vworktheoremstatementpar}{The Fundamental Theorem Of Arithmetic}
185 |
186 |
(\cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}, p. 3) The standard form of
187 |
$n$ is unique; apart from the rearrangement of factors, $n$ can be
188 |
expressed as a product of primes in one way only.
189 |
190 |
191 |
See \cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}, p. 21.
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
A \index{prime number!properties} reasonable question to ask is, is there a largest prime number?
196 |
Or, equivalently, is there a limited supply of prime numbers? It is known
197 |
that there is no largest prime number and that there is an infinite number
198 |
of prime numbers.
199 |
Euclid's famous proof that there is no largest prime number is reproduced below.
200 |
201 |
\begin{vworktheoremstatementpar}{Euclid's Second Theorem}
202 |
The number of primes is infinite.\index{Euclid}\index{Euclid!Second Theorem}%
203 |
\index{prime number!no largest prime number}
204 |
205 |
206 |
(\cite{bibref:b:HardyAndWrightClassic}, p.12) Assume there is a largest
207 |
prime number, denoted $p$. Let
208 |
$2 \times 3 \times 5 \times \ldots \times p$ be the aggregate (i.e. product)
209 |
of primes up to $p$, and let
210 |
211 |
212 |
q = (2 \times 3 \times 5 \times \ldots{} \times p) + 1.
213 |
214 |
215 |
$q$ is not divisible by any of the prime numbers $2, 3, 5, \ldots{}, p$. $q$
216 |
is therefore either prime, or divisible by a prime between $p$ and $q$. In
217 |
either case there is a prime greater than $p$, which is a contradiction, and
218 |
proves the theorem.
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
\begin{vworktheoremstatementpar}{Euclid's First Theorem}
223 |
\index{Euclid}\index{Euclid!First Theorem}%
224 |
If $p$ is prime and $p \vworkdivides{} a b$, then $p \vworkdivides{} a$
225 |
or $p \vworkdivides{} b$.
226 |
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228 |
Waiting on information for the proof.
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232 |
\item $p$ may divide both $a$ and $b$: ``or'' is used in the \emph{logical} sense.
233 |
\item This theorem essentially says that the divisibility by a prime may
234 |
not be ``split'' across the two factors $a$ and $b$ so as to obscure
235 |
it; i.e. primes are the fundamental currency of arithmetic.
236 |
\item Note that this statement is not true in general for a composite $p$.
237 |
For example, let $p = 6$, $a = 10$, $b = 21$: $6 \vworkdivides{} 210$,
238 |
but $6 \vworknotdivides{} 10$ and $6 \vworknotdivides{} 21$.
239 |
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246 |
For $a, b, x, y \in \vworkintsetpos$, if
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249 |
ax - by = 1 ,
250 |
251 |
252 |
then $a$ and $b$ are coprime.
253 |
254 |
255 |
Assume that $a$ and $b$ are \emph{not} coprime,
256 |
i.e. that $\gcd(a,b) > 1$. Then
257 |
258 |
259 |
ax-by =
260 |
\gcd(a,b) \left( { \frac{ax}{\gcd(a,b)}-\frac{by}{\gcd(a,b)}} \right)
261 |
\neq 1 ,
262 |
263 |
264 |
since $\gcd(a,b) > 1$.
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The equation
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272 |
273 |
ax + by = n
274 |
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276 |
(with $a,b \in \vworkintsetpos$) is soluble in integers
277 |
$x,y \in \vworkintset$ for any $n \in \vworkintset$ iff
278 |
$a$ and $b$ are coprime.
279 |
280 |
281 |
First, it will be shown that if $a$ and $b$ are coprime,
282 |
any $n$ can be reached through some choice of
283 |
$x,y \in \vworkintset$. (In fact, we give a
284 |
procedure for choosing $x$ and $y$.)
285 |
286 |
Form the set
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
\{ 0b \; mod \; a, 1b \; mod \; a, 2b \; mod \; a,
291 |
\ldots{} , (a-2)b \; mod \; a, (a-1)b \; mod \; a \} .
292 |
293 |
294 |
Note in this set that each integer $\{0, \ldots, a-1 \}$
295 |
is present exactly once, but not necessarily in order.
296 |
To show that each integer
297 |
$\{0, \ldots, a-1 \}$ is present exactly once, note that
298 |
the set contains exactly $a$ elements, and note that each
299 |
element is $\in \{0, \ldots, a-1 \}$. In order for each
300 |
integer $\{0, \ldots, a-1 \}$ \emph{not} to be present
301 |
exactly once, the set must contain at least one duplication
302 |
of an element. Assume that a duplication exists, namely
303 |
that $pb \; mod \; a = qb \; mod \; a$, for some $p$ and $q$
304 |
with $p \neq q$ and $0 \leq p,q \leq a-1$. In that case,
305 |
we would have $(q-p) b = ka$. Because $a$ and $b$ are
306 |
coprime (share no prime factors), this would require $(q-p)$
307 |
to have at least every prime factor in $a$ with at least the
308 |
same multiplicity as $a$, which would imply that
309 |
$(q-p) \geq a$, a contradiction. Thus, there are no
310 |
duplicates in the set (\ref{eq:cpri0:ppn0:00a00}), and
311 |
every integer $\{0, \ldots, a-1 \}$ is present.
312 |
313 |
It is clear then that $x$ and $y$ can always be chosen by
314 |
``modulo shopping''. We could, for example,
315 |
calculate $n \; mod \; a$, and find some $y$
316 |
s.t. $yb \; mod \; a = n \; mod \; a$, then choose $x$.\footnote{It
317 |
is guaranteed
318 |
that we \emph{can} find such an $x$ because
319 |
the choice of $x$ moves $n$ in steps
320 |
of $a$---thus by varying $x$ we can adjust $n$ to be \emph{any}
321 |
integer s.t. $n \; mod \; a = yb \; mod \; a$, and this means
322 |
that there is necessarily a choice for $x$ s.t. $ax+by=n$.}
323 |
This technique is illustrated in Example \ref{ex:cpri0:ppn0:01}.
324 |
325 |
If $a$ and $b$ are not coprime, this is equivalent to the
326 |
statement that $\gcd(a,b) > 1$. The same argument as is present
327 |
in Theorem \ref{thm:cpri0:ppn0:00a}
328 |
and Equation \ref{eq:cpri0:ppn0:00a1} apply---only
329 |
$n$ which are multiples of $\gcd(a,b)$ can be
330 |
``reached'', no matter what $x$ and $y$ are chosen.
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 |
Find integers $x$ and $y$ such that
337 |
338 |
339 |
6 x + 77 y = 731
340 |
341 |
342 |
\begin{vworkexampleparsection}{Solution I (``Modulo Shopping'')}
343 |
First, fix $y$ using the ``modulo shopping'' method
344 |
suggested by Lemma \ref{lem:cpri0:ppn0:00a}. Building
345 |
the set
346 |
347 |
348 |
\{ 0 \; mod \; 6, 77 \; mod \; 6, 154 \; mod \; 6,
349 |
231 \; mod \; 6, 308 \; mod \; 6, 385 \; mod \; 6 \}
350 |
351 |
352 |
yields $\{ 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 \}$. Note that $731 \; mod \; 6$
353 |
is 5, so we want to choose $y=1$ (corresponding to the second
354 |
element in the sets above). With $y$ fixed at 1, any choice
355 |
of $x$ will yield a result $6x + 77y$ such that
356 |
$(6x + 77y) \; mod \; 6 = 5$. The solution of
357 |
$6x + 77 = 731$ yields $x=109$.
358 |
359 |
\begin{vworkexampleparsection}{Solution II (Continued Fractions)}
360 |
A second (and far more efficient) way to tackle this problem
361 |
comes from the study of
362 |
continued fractions
363 |
(see \ccfrzeroxrefcomma{}\ccfrzeromcclass{} \ref{ccfr0},
364 |
\emph{\ccfrzeroshorttitle{}}). If the continued fraction
365 |
partial quotients and convergents of $a/b$ are calculated,
366 |
it is guaranteed that the final convergent $p_k/q_k$ will be $a/b$
367 |
(because $a$ and $b$ are coprime), and the property of
368 |
continued fraction convergents that
369 |
$q_k p_{k-1} - p_k q_{k-1} = (-1)^k$ gives a way to choose
370 |
$x, y$ s.t. $ax + by = 1$. With that $x,y$ known (call them
371 |
$x'$ and $y'$), the equation can be scaled so that
372 |
choosing $x=nx'$ and $y=ny'$ will result in a solution.
373 |
This method is not illustrated here. The important point is
374 |
that a solution can always be found.
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
For $a, b \in \vworkintsetpos$, the equation
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
ax + by = n
385 |
386 |
387 |
has integer solutions $x,y \in \vworkintset$ iff $\gcd(a,b) \vworkdivides n$.
388 |
389 |
390 |
First, note that choices of $x,y \in \vworkintset$
391 |
can result only in a linear combination of $a, b$ (the
392 |
left-hand side of Eq. \ref{eq:cpri0:ppn0:00a0}) which is an
393 |
integral multiple of $\gcd(a,b)$:
394 |
395 |
396 |
397 |
n = \gcd(a,b) \left( { \frac{ax}{\gcd(a,b)} + \frac{by}{\gcd(a,b)} } \right) .
398 |
399 |
400 |
Note that $a/\gcd(a,b), b/\gcd(a,b) \in \vworkintsetpos$, and note also that
401 |
$a/\gcd(a,b)$ and $b/\gcd(a,b)$ are by definition coprime. Lemma
402 |
\ref{lem:cpri0:ppn0:00a} shows that
403 |
the linear combination of two coprime natural numbers can form
404 |
any integer. Thus, through suitable choices of $x$ and $y$, any integral
405 |
multiple of $\gcd(a,b)$ can be formed.
406 |
407 |
It has been shown that \emph{only} integral multiples of $\gcd(a,b)$ can
408 |
be formed by choosing $x$ and $y$, and that
409 |
\emph{any} integral multiple of $\gcd(a,b)$ can
410 |
be formed by an appropriate choice of $x$ and $y$. Thus,
411 |
if $\gcd(a,b) \vworknotdivides n$, $x$ and $y$ cannot be chosen
412 |
to satisfy (\ref{eq:cpri0:ppn0:00a0}); but if
413 |
$\gcd(a,b) \vworkdivides n$, $x$ and $y$ can always be chosen
414 |
to satisfy (\ref{eq:cpri0:ppn0:00a0}).
415 |
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\section{The Greatest Common Divisor And Least Common Multiple}
423 |
%Section tag: GCD0
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426 |
The \index{greatest common divisor}\index{GCD}greatest common divisor
427 |
(or GCD) and \index{least common multiple}\index{LCM}least common multiple
428 |
are integer-valued functions of integers to which most readers
429 |
have had exposure during elementary school. We present these functions and
430 |
several of their properties both as a review and to present properties that
431 |
are not commonly used.
432 |
433 |
\begin{vworkdefinitionstatementpar}{Greatest Common Divisor}
434 |
435 |
The \emph{greatest common divisor} of two positive integers
436 |
$a$ and $b$, denoted $\gcd(a,b)$, is the largest integer
437 |
that divides both $a$ and $b$.
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
For $a,b \in \vworkintsetpos$,
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
\gcd(a,b) = \gcd(a, b + a).
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 |
For an integer $g \in \vworkintsetpos$, if
451 |
$g \vworkdivides a$ and $g \vworkdivides b$, then
452 |
$g \vworkdivides (b+a)$. If $g \vworknotdivides b$
453 |
and $g \vworkdivides a$, then $g \vworknotdivides (b+a)$.
454 |
Thus any integer
455 |
$g$ which divides both $a$ and $b$ also divides both
456 |
$a$ and $b+a$, and any integer which either does not
457 |
divide $a$ or does not divide $b$ cannot divide
458 |
both $a$ and $b+a$.
459 |
460 |
The greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$ is defined as the
461 |
largest integer which divides both $a$ and $b$. Because of
462 |
the relationship described above, the largest integer which
463 |
divides both $a$ and $b$ is also the largest integer which
464 |
divides both $a$ and $b+a$, proving
465 |
(\ref{eq:lem:cpri0:gcd0:01:01}) and the lemma.
466 |
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%Section tag: ACK0
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478 |
We would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of
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Iain Davidson\index{Davidson, Iain} \cite{bibref:i:iaindavidson},
480 |
G\'erard Nin\index{Nin, Gerard@Nin, G\'erard} \cite{bibref:i:gerardnin},
481 |
and Tim Robinson\index{Robinson, Tim} \cite{bibref:i:timrobinson}
482 |
with Lemmas \ref{lem:cpri0:ppn0:000p} and \ref{lem:cpri0:ppn0:00a}
483 |
and Example \ref{ex:cpri0:ppn0:01}.
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%Section tag: EXE0
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% Revision 1.6 2003/11/30 01:18:17 dtashley
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% Chapter modified to eliminate double horizontal lines.
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% Revision 1.5 2003/04/03 19:49:36 dtashley
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% Global corrections to typeface of "gcd" made as per Jan-Hinnerk Reichert's
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% recommendation.
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% Revision 1.4 2003/03/25 05:31:22 dtashley
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% Lemma about gcd()'s added, specifically that gcd(a,b)=gcd(a,b+a).
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% Revision 1.3 2002/07/29 16:30:09 dtashley
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% Safety checkin before moving work back to WSU server Kalman.
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% ***************** Version 10 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 3/07/01 Time: 12:17a
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Edits.
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% ***************** Version 9 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 2/10/01 Time: 2:03a
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Completion of Farey series chapter.
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% ***************** Version 8 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 1/31/01 Time: 4:20p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Edits.
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% ***************** Version 7 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 12/22/00 Time: 12:56a
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Tcl automated method of build refined.
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% ***************** Version 6 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 8/12/00 Time: 9:48p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Edits.
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% ***************** Version 5 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 8/06/00 Time: 8:50a
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Work on Prime Number and Farey Series chapters.
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% ***************** Version 4 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 7/30/00 Time: 8:22p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Edits.
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% ***************** Version 3 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 7/29/00 Time: 11:50p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Edits, addition of solutions manual volume.
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% ***************** Version 2 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 7/09/00 Time: 11:23p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Addition of new chapters, enhancements to preface.
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% ***************** Version 1 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 7/09/00 Time: 9:24p
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% Created in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Chapter, PRI0, Prime Numbers
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% Initial check-in.
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%End of file C_PRI0.TEX