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Contents of /pubs/books/ucbka/trunk/scripts/cp_script.tcl

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Revision 272 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Tue Jul 30 01:39:49 2019 UTC (5 years, 1 month ago) by dashley
File MIME type: application/x-tcl
File size: 226358 byte(s)
Update location of LaTeX binary in Tcl build script.
Update location of Acrobat Distiller binary in Tcl build script.
Update Windows shortcut to reflect new location of book sandbox.
1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 #$Header$
3 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 # Dave Ashley
6 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 # Tcl script (using Tk extensions, so it must be run under Tk/Wish) to build and package
8 # both Dave Ashley's microcontroller software book, and the associated ESRG Tool set. This
9 # script is also included with the source code of either so that the script can be used
10 # by those who have purchased or otherwise obtained the LaTeX source for the book or the
11 # source for the ESRG Tool Set to do the build.
12 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #The version control information below is extracted by this Tcl script and incorporated
14 #into the back of the title page. This takes the place of the "main .TEX file" information
15 #that was there previously. Since the main files are now generated on the fly by the Tcl
16 #script, this is the logical replacement. Version control information is included so
17 #that if anything goes awry, the origin and what was being used can be tracked down.
18 #
20 #$RCSfile: cp_script.tcl,v $
21 #$Source: /home/dashley/cvsrep/e3ft_gpl01/e3ft_gpl01/dtaipubs/esrgubka/scripts/cp_script.tcl,v $
22 #$Revision: 1.40 $
23 #$Author: dashley $
24 #$Date: 2009/08/14 03:38:57 $
26 #
27 #****************************************************************************************
28 #****************************************************************************************
29 #**** U T I L I T Y F U N C T I O N S ******************************************
30 #****************************************************************************************
31 #****************************************************************************************
32 # Exit procedure. Exits unconditionally. Clicked in response
33 # to the button marked EXIT.
34 #
35 proc exitProc { } { \
36 global buildlogfilehandle
38 #Put the system date and time into the build log and on the console.
39 set buildendtimestamp [clock seconds]
40 set s0 [clock format $buildendtimestamp -format "Execution ending at: %A, %B %d, %Y; %I:%M:%S %p."]
41 outboth $s0
42 thickhlineboth
43 close $buildlogfilehandle
44 exit 0
45 }
47 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 #Writes a contiguous group of a number of characters (or strings) to a stream,
49 #without a terminating newline.
51 proc contiggrouptostream { thestream thechar howmany } {
52 for {set i 0} {$i < $howmany} {incr i} {
53 puts -nonewline $thestream $thechar
54 }
56 return
57 }
59 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 #Copies (binary) from src to dest, destroying dest in advance.
61 proc destructive_binary_copy { src dest } {
62 #Delete dest, if it exists.
63 file delete $dest
65 set srchandle [open $src "r"]
66 set dsthandle [open $dest "w"]
68 fconfigure $srchandle -translation binary
69 fconfigure $dsthandle -translation binary
71 fcopy $srchandle $dsthandle
73 close $srchandle
74 close $dsthandle
76 return
77 }
79 #****************************************************************************************
80 #****************************************************************************************
81 #**** N U M B E R I N G F U N C T I O N S **************************************
82 #****************************************************************************************
83 #****************************************************************************************
84 # Each function here has to do with numbering parts, chapters, etc.
85 #
86 # Returns the lower-case string corresponding to a digit.
87 proc lower_case_number_string { arg } { \
88 switch -exact $arg {
89 "0" { return zero }
90 "1" { return one }
91 "2" { return two }
92 "3" { return three }
93 "4" { return four }
94 "5" { return five }
95 "6" { return six }
96 "7" { return seven }
97 "8" { return eight }
98 "9" { return nine }
99 default { return INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PAR_ERROR }
100 }
101 }
104 # Returns the upper-case string corresponding to the
105 # roman numerals of a decimal number. Algorithm is simple
106 # case because numbers won't get large enough to prevent
107 # enumeration.
108 proc upper_case_roman_numeral_string { arg } { \
109 switch -exact $arg {
110 "0" { return ZERO_NOT_SUPPORTED_ROMAN }
111 "1" { return I }
112 "2" { return II }
113 "3" { return III }
114 "4" { return IV }
115 "5" { return V }
116 "6" { return VI }
117 "7" { return VII }
118 "8" { return VIII }
119 "9" { return IX }
120 "10" { return X }
121 "11" { return XI }
122 "12" { return XII }
123 "13" { return XIII }
124 "14" { return XIV }
125 "15" { return XV }
126 "16" { return XVI }
127 "17" { return XVII }
128 "18" { return XVIII }
129 "19" { return XIX }
130 "20" { return XX }
131 "21" { return XXI }
132 "22" { return XXII }
133 "23" { return XXIII }
134 "24" { return XXIV }
135 "25" { return XXV }
136 "26" { return XXVI }
137 "27" { return XXVII }
138 "28" { return XXVIII }
139 "29" { return XXIX }
140 "30" { return XXX }
141 "31" { return XXXI }
142 "32" { return XXXII }
143 "33" { return XXXIII }
144 "34" { return XXXIV }
145 "35" { return XXXV }
146 "36" { return XXXVI }
147 "37" { return XXXVII }
148 "38" { return XXXVIII }
149 "39" { return XXXIX }
150 "40" { return XXXX }
151 "41" { return XXXXI }
152 "42" { return XXXXII }
153 "43" { return XXXXIII }
154 "44" { return XXXXIV }
155 "45" { return XXXXV }
156 "46" { return XXXXVI }
157 "47" { return XXXXVII }
158 "48" { return XXXXVIII }
159 "49" { return IL }
160 default { return INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PAR_ERROR }
161 }
162 }
164 #****************************************************************************************
165 #****************************************************************************************
166 #**** T E X T M A N I P U L A T I O N F U N C T I O N S *********************
167 #****************************************************************************************
168 #****************************************************************************************
169 #
170 # Replaces all digits in a string with their textual strings. This is used to form
171 # commands whose names the LaTeX compiler will accept.
172 proc replace_digits_with_alphas { arg } { \
173 set result ""
174 set N [string length $arg]
176 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} { \
177 set c [string index $arg $i]
179 if {[string first $c "0123456789"] == -1} { \
180 #Isn't a digit, just append.
181 append result $c
182 } \
183 else {
184 #Is a digit, must expand and append.
185 append result [lower_case_number_string $c]
186 }
187 }
189 return $result
190 }
192 #Replaces any spaces in a string with the HTML code %20. This is necessary to
193 #to achieve the proper HTML syntax when putting filenames in in come contexts.
194 #
195 proc replace_spaces_with_HTML_codes { tgt } { \
196 set tgt [string map {" " "%20"} $tgt]
197 return $tgt
198 }
201 #****************************************************************************************
202 #****************************************************************************************
203 #**** V E R S I O N C O N T R O L E X T R A C T I O N F U N C T I O N S **
204 #****************************************************************************************
205 #****************************************************************************************
206 #Extracts the version control information lines (marked automatically above) from this
207 #file and returns them as a string. The string includes all newline characters.
209 proc extract_this_scripts_version_control_information { } { \
210 #Define the strings that we'll accept as beginning the
211 #block of version control information and the strings
212 #that we'll accept as terminating it.
216 #Initialize our return value to nothing so far.
217 set rv ""
219 #Open the script for extraction.
220 set script_handle [open scripts/cp_script.tcl r]
222 #Leaf through the file until we hit the end of file or else the beginning string.
223 set eof_found 0
224 set beginstring_found 0
225 while {!$eof_found && !$beginstring_found} { \
226 set current_line [gets $script_handle]
227 set beginstring_found_index [string first $begin_string $current_line]
228 set beginstring_found [expr $beginstring_found_index >= 0]
229 set eof_found [eof $script_handle]
230 }
232 if {!$eof_found} { \
233 #If we're here, we got the begin string we were looking for. Copy over
234 #until the end string is encountered or until end of file.
235 set endstring_found 0
236 while {!$eof_found && !$endstring_found} { \
237 set current_line [gets $script_handle]
239 #If the first character of the line is a Tcl comment delimieter (which it
240 #most likely is), trash it.
241 set current_line [string trimleft $current_line "#"]
243 set endstring_found_index [string first $end_string $current_line]
244 set endstring_found [expr $endstring_found_index >= 0]
245 set eof_found [eof $script_handle]
246 if {!$endstring_found} { \
247 append rv $current_line "\n"
248 }
249 }
250 }
252 #Close the script file.
253 close $script_handle
255 #Return the extracted version control information.
256 return $rv
257 }
259 #****************************************************************************************
260 #****************************************************************************************
261 #**** L O G G I N G F U N C T I O N S ******************************************
262 #****************************************************************************************
263 #****************************************************************************************
264 # Each function in this category is called as an aid in maintaing a log file and a
265 # console display which say exactly the same thing.
266 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
267 #Writes a contiguous group of a number of characters to the standard output,
268 #plus to the build log file.
270 proc contiggrouptoboth { thechar howmany } {
271 global buildlogfilehandle
273 contiggrouptostream $buildlogfilehandle $thechar $howmany
274 contiggrouptostream stdout $thechar $howmany
276 return
277 }
279 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 #Writes a line of $loglinelength hyphens followed by a newline to only the
281 #console, but not the build log file.
283 proc hlineconsole {} {
284 global loglinelength
286 contiggrouptostream stdout - $loglinelength
287 puts ""
289 return
290 }
292 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 #Writes a line of $loglinelength hyphens followed by a newline to both the
294 #console and the build log file.
296 proc hlineboth {} {
297 global loglinelength
298 global buildlogfilehandle
300 contiggrouptoboth - $loglinelength
301 puts $buildlogfilehandle ""
302 puts ""
304 return
305 }
307 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 #Writes a line of $loglinelength "=" chars followed by a newline to only the
309 #console but not the build log file.
311 proc thickhlineconsole {} {
312 global loglinelength
314 contiggrouptostream stdout = $loglinelength
315 puts ""
317 return
318 }
320 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 #Writes a line of $loglinelength "=" chars followed by a newline to both the
322 #console and the build log file.
324 proc thickhlineboth {} {
325 global loglinelength
326 global buildlogfilehandle
328 contiggrouptoboth = $loglinelength
329 puts $buildlogfilehandle ""
330 puts ""
332 return
333 }
335 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 #Dumps output to both the console and the log file, with newline attached.
337 proc outboth { arg } {
338 global buildlogfilehandle
340 puts $buildlogfilehandle $arg
341 puts $arg
343 return
344 }
346 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 #Dumps output to both the console and the log file, without newline attached.
348 proc outbothnonl { arg } {
349 global buildlogfilehandle
351 puts -nonewline $buildlogfilehandle $arg
352 puts -nonewline $arg
354 return
355 }
357 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 #Prints a banner to the passed stream indicating success or failure of a build
359 #script. The two messages are "*OK*" and "FAIL". The failflag, if 0, means
360 #success, or if non-zero, means failure. The banner will be centered
361 #in the output. $nearpadchar and $farpadchar are the characters used to pad
362 #the centering near the banner letters and farther away. $nearfarmargin is
363 #the number of characters for which the near characters extend.
364 proc passfailbannertostream { thestream passfailflag nearpadchar farpadchar nearfarmargin} {
366 global loglinelength
368 set passbanner {
369 " OOOOO K K" \
370 "O O K K " \
371 "O O K K " \
372 "O O KK " \
373 "O O K K " \
374 "O O K K " \
375 "O O K K " \
376 "O O K K " \
377 " OOOOO K K" \
378 }
379 set failbanner {
381 "F A A I L " \
382 "F A A I L " \
383 "F A A I L " \
385 "F A A I L " \
386 "F A A I L " \
387 "F A A I L " \
389 }
391 #First we need to calculate the number of chars on the left with which
392 #to pad the the result.
394 if {$passfailflag != 0} {
395 #Fail
396 set banner $failbanner
397 } \
398 else {
399 #Pass
400 set banner $passbanner
401 }
403 #Determine the width of the banner which applies.
404 set bannerwidth [string length [lindex $banner 0] ]
406 #Calculate the size in chars to use for the far padding.
407 set farpadwidth [expr "($loglinelength - $bannerwidth - (2 * $nearfarmargin ) ) >> 1"]
409 #If by poor choice of all values we ended up with a negative number, clip it to zero.
410 if {$farpadwidth < 0} {
411 set farpadwidth 0
412 }
414 #Iterate to output the lines of the banner.
415 foreach curline $banner {
416 for {set i 0} {$i < $farpadwidth} {incr i} {
417 puts -nonewline $thestream $farpadchar
418 }
420 for {set i 0} {$i < $nearfarmargin} {incr i} {
421 puts -nonewline $thestream $nearpadchar
422 }
424 puts -nonewline $thestream $curline
426 for {set i 0} {$i < $nearfarmargin} {incr i} {
427 puts -nonewline $thestream $nearpadchar
428 }
430 for {set i 0} {$i < $farpadwidth} {incr i} {
431 puts -nonewline $thestream $farpadchar
432 }
434 puts $thestream ""
435 }
437 return
438 }
440 #****************************************************************************************
441 #****************************************************************************************
442 #**** D A T A S T R U C T U R E U T I L I T Y F U N C T I O N S **********
443 #****************************************************************************************
444 #****************************************************************************************
445 # Each function in this category provides a function related to the data structures
446 # embedded in the script. Generally, errors are all fatal.
447 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
448 # Indexes the volume list by the 4-letter tag. This is done for lookup speed.
449 proc IndexVolumeList { } { \
450 global bookVolumeList
451 global bookVolumeListStructSize
452 global bookVolumeListIndex
454 outboth "Indexing volume list."
456 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
458 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
459 set elem [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]
461 set bookVolumeListIndex($elem) $i
463 outboth " bookVolumeList($elem) = $i"
464 }
466 hlineboth
467 }
469 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
470 # Indexes the chapter list by the 4-letter tag. This is done for lookup speed.
471 proc IndexChapterList { } { \
472 global chapterList
473 global chapterListStructSize
474 global chapterListIndex
476 outboth "Indexing chapter list."
478 set N [llength $chapterList]
480 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $chapterListStructSize} { \
481 set elem [lindex $chapterList $i]
483 set chapterListIndex($elem) $i
485 outboth " chapterList($elem) = $i"
486 }
488 hlineboth
489 }
491 #****************************************************************************************
492 #****************************************************************************************
493 #**** C H A P T E R T A B L E L O O K U P F U N C T I O N S **************
494 #****************************************************************************************
495 #****************************************************************************************
496 # Functions which look up chapter table information.
497 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
498 #
499 # Returns the single-volume long title for a chapter. Input is the 4-character
500 # chapter tag. Chapter table must have been indexed in advance.
501 proc get_chap_long_single_volume_title { ctag } { \
502 global chapterList
503 global chapterListIndex
505 set i $chapterListIndex($ctag)
507 return [lindex $chapterList [expr $i + 1]]
508 }
510 # Returns the single-volume short title for a chapter. Input is the 4-character
511 # chapter tag. Chapter table must have been indexed in advance.
512 proc get_chap_short_single_volume_title { ctag } { \
513 global chapterList
514 global chapterListIndex
516 set i $chapterListIndex($ctag)
518 return [lindex $chapterList [expr $i + 2]]
519 }
521 #Mark an individual chapter (by tag) used.
522 proc mark_chapter_used { ctag } { \
523 global chapterList
524 global chapterListIndex
526 #outboth "Inside chapter marking function, ctag is : $ctag"
528 set i $chapterListIndex($ctag)
530 set i [expr $i + 7]
532 #outboth "Element selected for marking is : $i"
534 #outboth "Current value is: [lindex $chapterList $i]"
536 set chapterList [lreplace $chapterList $i $i 1]
538 #outboth "New value is: [lindex $chapterList $i]"
539 }
542 #Inquire if a given chapter (by tag) has its used flag set.
543 #Result is "1" if used, "0" otherwise.
544 proc get_chap_used_flag { ctag } { \
545 global chapterList
546 global chapterListStructSize
547 global chapterListIndex
549 set i $chapterListIndex($ctag)
551 set i [expr $i + 7]
553 return [lindex $chapterList $i]
554 }
557 #Marks each of the chapters as unused (resets all of the "used" flags to zero).
558 proc mark_all_chaps_unused { } { \
559 global chapterList
560 global chapterListStructSize
562 set N [llength $chapterList]
564 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $chapterListStructSize} { \
565 set j [expr $i + 7]
567 set chapterList [lreplace $chapterList $j $j 0]
568 }
569 }
571 #****************************************************************************************
572 #****************************************************************************************
573 #**** V O L U M E T A B L E L O O K U P F U N C T I O N S ****************
574 #****************************************************************************************
575 #****************************************************************************************
576 # Functions which lookup volume table information.
577 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
578 # Returns the part string associated with a volume record in the volume table.
579 # Input is the 4-character volume tag. Volume table must have been indexed in advance.
580 proc get_vol_part_title { vtag } { \
581 global bookVolumeList
582 global bookVolumeListIndex
584 set i $bookVolumeListIndex($vtag)
586 return [lindex $bookVolumeList [expr $i + 3]]
587 }
589 # Returns the multiple-volume long title associated with a volume.
590 # Input is the 4-character volume tag. Volume table must have been indexed in advance.
591 proc get_multi_vol_long_title { vtag } { \
592 global bookVolumeList
593 global bookVolumeListIndex
595 set i $bookVolumeListIndex($vtag)
597 return [lindex $bookVolumeList [expr $i + 4]]
598 }
600 #Marks each of the volumes as unused (resets all of the "used" flags to zero).
601 proc mark_all_volumes_unused { } { \
602 global bookVolumeList
603 global bookVolumeListStructSize
605 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
607 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
608 set j [expr $i + 7]
610 set bookVolumeList [lreplace $bookVolumeList $j $j 0]
611 }
612 }
614 #Mark an individual volume (by tag) used.
615 proc mark_volume_used { vtag } { \
616 global bookVolumeList
617 global bookVolumeListIndex
619 set i $bookVolumeListIndex($vtag)
621 set i [expr $i + 7]
623 set bookVolumeList [lreplace $bookVolumeList $i $i 1]
624 }
627 #Inquire if a given volume (by tag) has its used flag set.
628 #Result is "1" if used, "0" otherwise.
629 proc get_volume_used_flag { vtag } { \
630 global bookVolumeList
631 global bookVolumeListStructSize
632 global bookVolumeListIndex
634 set i $bookVolumeListIndex($vtag)
636 set i [expr $i + 7]
638 return [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]
639 }
642 #****************************************************************************************
643 #****************************************************************************************
644 #**** L A T E X C O M P I L E F U N C T I O N S *****************************
645 #****************************************************************************************
646 #****************************************************************************************
647 # Each function in this category performs a function related to LaTeX compilation or
648 # indexing.
649 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
650 # Performs the LaTeX compile of the passed filename, in the "root" directory of the book.
651 # Any errors will cause the script to terminate. It gets more attention that way, when
652 # an error kills the script.
653 #
654 proc LatexCompileFile { filename } { \
655 global execLatexCompiler
656 global errorCode
658 #The error-handling strategy taken in this function is to terminate with a log file
659 #entry if the LaTeX compiler chokes. First of all, generally the LaTeX code is
660 #debugged in the 4AllTex GUI, so we shouldn't be compiling bad LaTeX code here.
661 #Second, this is a utility script, and not required to be graceful. Third,
662 #terminating the program will definitely get the user's attention, whereas any
663 #lesser approach might not.
664 outbothnonl "Using LaTeX to compile: $filename"
665 outboth .
666 hlineboth
668 #The full path to the LaTeX compiler has already been calculated for us at
669 #script startup.
671 #Delete existing intermediate files if they exist.
672 file delete tcl00out.txt
673 file delete tcl00err.txt
675 #Open the intermediate files for writing.
676 set stdouthandle [open "tcl00out.txt" "w"]
677 set stderrhandle [open "tcl00err.txt" "w"]
679 #Execute exec and suppress errors.
680 set catchreturncode 0
681 set catchreturncode [catch {exec -- $execLatexCompiler -progname=latex &latex $filename >@ $stdouthandle 2>@ $stderrhandle}]
682 set catcherrorcode $errorCode
684 #Close both open files.
685 close $stderrhandle
686 close $stdouthandle
688 if {$catchreturncode} {
689 outbothnonl "$execLatexCompiler generated errors (information follows): $catchreturncode $catcherrorcode"
690 outboth "."
691 outboth "The build must be aborted."
692 set compilefailed 1
693 hlineboth
694 } \
695 else {
696 outboth "$execLatexCompiler did not generate errors."
697 set compilefailed 0
698 hlineboth
699 }
701 set stdouthandle [open "tcl00out.txt" "r"]
702 set stderrhandle [open "tcl00err.txt" "r"]
703 set stdoutoutput [read $stdouthandle]
704 set stderroutput [read $stderrhandle]
705 close $stdouthandle
706 close $stderrhandle
708 #Delete existing intermediate files if they exist.
709 file delete tcl00out.txt
710 file delete tcl00err.txt
712 outboth "Standard output stream from $execLatexCompiler invocation:"
713 hlineboth
714 outboth $stdoutoutput
715 hlineboth
716 outboth "Standard error stream from $execLatexCompiler invocation:"
717 hlineboth
718 outboth $stderroutput
719 hlineboth
721 if {$compilefailed} { \
722 outboth "Compile has failed. Must abort script."
723 exitProc
724 }
726 update
727 }
729 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
730 # Runs the MAKEINDEX program for a file located in the root directory of the book.
731 # File parameter passed is just the "base" file name.
732 #
733 proc MakeOrdinaryIndexFile { filename } { \
734 global execMakeindex
735 global errorCode
737 #The error-handling strategy taken in this function is to terminate with a log file
738 #entry if the Makeindex utility chokes. First of all, generally the LaTeX code is
739 #debugged in the 4AllTex GUI, so we shouldn't be compiling bad LaTeX code here.
740 #Second, this is a utility script, and not required to be graceful. Third,
741 #terminating the program will definitely get the user's attention, whereas any
742 #lesser approach might not.
743 outbothnonl "Using MAKEINDEX to process: $filename"
744 outboth .
745 hlineboth
747 #The full path to the MAKEINDEX utility has already been calculated for us at
748 #script startup.
750 #Delete existing intermediate files if they exist.
751 file delete tcl00out.txt
752 file delete tcl00err.txt
754 #Open the intermediate files for writing.
755 set stdouthandle [open "tcl00out.txt" "w"]
756 set stderrhandle [open "tcl00err.txt" "w"]
758 #Execute exec and suppress errors.
759 set catchreturncode 0
760 set catchreturncode [catch {exec -- $execMakeindex $filename >@ $stdouthandle 2>@ $stderrhandle}]
761 set catcherrorcode $errorCode
763 #Close both open files.
764 close $stderrhandle
765 close $stdouthandle
767 if {$catchreturncode} {
768 outbothnonl "$execMakeindex generated errors (information follows): $catchreturncode $catcherrorcode"
769 outboth "."
770 outboth "The build must be aborted."
771 set compilefailed 1
772 hlineboth
773 } \
774 else {
775 outboth "$execMakeindex did not generate errors."
776 set compilefailed 0
777 hlineboth
778 }
780 set stdouthandle [open "tcl00out.txt" "r"]
781 set stderrhandle [open "tcl00err.txt" "r"]
782 set stdoutoutput [read $stdouthandle]
783 set stderroutput [read $stderrhandle]
784 close $stdouthandle
785 close $stderrhandle
787 #Delete existing intermediate files if they exist.
788 file delete tcl00out.txt
789 file delete tcl00err.txt
791 outboth "Standard output stream from $execMakeindex invocation:"
792 hlineboth
793 outboth $stdoutoutput
794 hlineboth
795 outboth "Standard error stream from $execMakeindex invocation:"
796 hlineboth
797 outboth $stderroutput
798 hlineboth
800 if {$compilefailed} { \
801 outboth "$execMakeindex has failed. Must abort script."
802 exitProc
803 }
805 update
806 }
808 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
809 # Runs the DVIPS program to generate postscript output for a file located in the root
810 # directory of the book. File parameter passed is just the "base" file name.
811 #
812 proc RunDvipsToGenPsOutput { filename } { \
813 global execDvips
814 global errorCode
815 global pathUcBookA
817 #The error-handling strategy taken in this function is to terminate with a log file
818 #entry if the DVIPS utility chokes. First of all, generally the LaTeX code is
819 #debugged in the 4AllTex GUI, so we shouldn't be compiling bad LaTeX code here.
820 #Second, this is a utility script, and not required to be graceful. Third,
821 #terminating the program will definitely get the user's attention, whereas any
822 #lesser approach might not.
823 outbothnonl "Using DVIPS to process: $filename"
824 outboth .
825 hlineboth
827 #The full path to the DVIPS utility has already been calculated for us at
828 #script startup.
830 #Delete existing intermediate files if they exist.
831 file delete tcl00out.txt
832 file delete tcl00err.txt
834 #Open the intermediate files for writing.
835 set stdouthandle [open "tcl00out.txt" "w"]
836 set stderrhandle [open "tcl00err.txt" "w"]
838 #Generate the full path names of interest. We need to convert the forward slashes
839 #in both names to backslashes because DVIPS accepts the file name and opens the file
840 #itself.
841 set dvips_input ""
842 append dvips_input $pathUcBookA / $filename .dvi
843 set dvips_input [string map {/ \\} $dvips_input]
844 set dvips_output ""
845 append dvips_output $pathUcBookA / $filename .ps
846 set dvips_output [string map {/ \\} $dvips_output]
848 #outboth $dvips_input
849 #outboth $dvips_output
851 #d:\4tex5.0\bin\win32\dvips.exe -P ljfive -o"c:\esrgubka\llr0.ps" "c:\esrgubka\llr0.dvi"
853 #Execute exec and suppress errors.
854 set catchreturncode 0
855 set catchreturncode [catch {exec -- $execDvips -T 8.5in,11in -o$dvips_output $dvips_input >@ $stdouthandle 2>@ $stderrhandle}]
856 set catcherrorcode $errorCode
858 #Close both open files.
859 close $stderrhandle
860 close $stdouthandle
862 if {$catchreturncode} {
863 outbothnonl "$execDvips generated errors (information follows): $catchreturncode $catcherrorcode"
864 outboth "."
865 outboth "The build must be aborted."
866 set compilefailed 1
867 hlineboth
868 } \
869 else {
870 outboth "$execDvips did not generate errors."
871 set compilefailed 0
872 hlineboth
873 }
875 set stdouthandle [open "tcl00out.txt" "r"]
876 set stderrhandle [open "tcl00err.txt" "r"]
877 set stdoutoutput [read $stdouthandle]
878 set stderroutput [read $stderrhandle]
879 close $stdouthandle
880 close $stderrhandle
882 #Delete existing intermediate files if they exist.
883 file delete tcl00out.txt
884 file delete tcl00err.txt
886 outboth "Standard output stream from $execDvips invocation:"
887 hlineboth
888 outboth $stdoutoutput
889 hlineboth
890 outboth "Standard error stream from $execDvips invocation:"
891 hlineboth
892 outboth $stderroutput
893 hlineboth
895 if {$compilefailed} { \
896 outboth "$execDvips has failed. Must abort script."
897 exitProc
898 }
900 update
901 }
903 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
904 # Modifies a PS file generated by DVIPS to be duplex. This is done in a very crude way,
905 # by inserting PostScript. It can probably be done more elegantly by using the configuration
906 # and startup files of DVIPS
907 #
908 proc ModifyPsToDuplex { filebasename } { \
909 global errorCode
910 global pathUcBookA
912 outbothnonl "Modifying postscript to get duplex form of: $filebasename"
913 outboth .
914 update
916 #Form the full path of both file names.
917 set mod_input ""
918 set mod_output ""
919 append mod_input $pathUcBookA / $filebasename .ps
920 append mod_output $pathUcBookA / $filebasename _duplex.ps
922 set inhandle [open $mod_input "r"]
923 set outhandle [open $mod_output "w"]
925 #Set larger buffers to speed the I/O operations.
926 fconfigure $inhandle -buffering full -buffersize 200000
927 fconfigure $outhandle -buffering full -buffersize 200000
929 set oneshot 0
931 while {! [eof $inhandle] } { \
932 set line [gets $inhandle]
933 puts $outhandle $line
935 if { ! $oneshot } { \
936 if { [string match "*DVIPSSource*" $line] } { \
937 puts $outhandle "<< /Duplex true >> setpagedevice"
938 set oneshot 1
939 }
940 }
941 }
943 #Close both open files.
944 close $inhandle
945 close $outhandle
947 hlineboth
949 update
950 }
953 #****************************************************************************************
954 #****************************************************************************************
955 #**** L A T E X S O U R C E F I L E G E N E R A T I O N ******************
956 #****************************************************************************************
957 #****************************************************************************************
958 #Outputs the file title line of a LaTeX book source file.
959 #
960 proc output_title_line { handle filename desc} { \
961 puts $handle "%[string toupper $filename]: $desc"
962 puts $handle "%"
964 set preamble {
965 "%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" \
966 "%This is an automatically generated file and not version-controlled. This file is" \
967 "%generated by the script CP_SCRIPT.TCL." \
968 "%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" \
969 "%" \
970 }
972 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $preamble]} {incr i} { \
973 puts $handle [lindex $preamble $i]
974 }
975 }
977 #Outputs the LaTeX document class and package includes.
978 #
979 proc output_doc_class_and_package_includes { handle } { \
980 set preamble {
981 "\\documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,titlepage]\{custbook\}" \
982 "%" \
983 "\\pagestyle\{headings\}" \
984 "%" \
985 "\\usepackage\{amsmath\}" \
986 "\\usepackage\{amsfonts\}" \
987 "\\usepackage\{amssymb\}" \
988 "\\usepackage[ansinew]\{inputenc\}" \
989 "\\usepackage[OT1]\{fontenc\}" \
990 "\\usepackage\{graphicx\}" \
991 "\\usepackage\{makeidx\}" \
992 "%" \
993 }
995 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $preamble]} {incr i} { \
996 puts $handle [lindex $preamble $i]
997 }
998 }
1001 #Outputs the final matter in both types of volumes. The "final matter" is the
1002 #stuff after the chapter includes up until but not including final
1003 #file annunciator.
1004 #
1005 proc output_tex_volume_final_matter { handle } { \
1006 set final_matter {
1007 "%Glossary Of Terms" \
1008 "\\cleardoublepage" \
1009 "\\addcontentsline\{toc\}\{chapter\}\{Glossary Of Terms\}" \
1010 "\\input\{c_glo0/c_glo0\}" \
1011 "%" \
1012 "%Glossary Of Mathematical Notation" \
1013 "\\cleardoublepage" \
1014 "\\addcontentsline\{toc\}\{chapter\}\{Glossary Of Mathematical Notation\}" \
1015 "\\input\{c_glo1/c_glo1\}" \
1016 "%" \
1017 "%Bibliography" \
1018 "\\cleardoublepage" \
1019 "\\addcontentsline\{toc\}\{chapter\}\{Bibliography\}" \
1020 "\\input\{volshare/workbibl\}" \
1021 "%" \
1022 "%Index Must Be Formed At This Directory Level" \
1023 "\\cleardoublepage" \
1024 "\\addcontentsline\{toc\}\{chapter\}\{Index\}" \
1025 "\\printindex" \
1026 "%" \
1027 "\\end\{document\}" \
1028 "%" \
1029 }
1031 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $final_matter]} {incr i} { \
1032 puts $handle [lindex $final_matter $i]
1033 }
1034 }
1037 #Marks the end of a TEX volume file, for aesthetics.
1038 proc mark_end_of_tex_volume_files_for_aesthetics { handle filename } { \
1039 puts $handle "%End of file [string toupper $filename]."
1040 }
1043 #Output code to import the external document labels, used for cross-referencing
1044 #This is a bit tricky because don't want to include ourselves. This applies
1045 #to the multi-volume work only. For the single-volume work, all reference are
1046 #internal.
1047 proc output_external_document_symbol_imports { handle vtag } { \
1048 global bookVolumeList
1049 global bookVolumeListStructSize
1051 puts $handle "%External document symbol imports. These imports allow one volume"
1052 puts $handle "%to cross-reference to another, and create one large namespace for"
1053 puts $handle "%LaTeX symbols."
1055 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
1057 #Iterate through the list. Everything gets output unless
1058 #it is our tag name.
1059 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
1060 if {[get_volume_used_flag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]} { \
1061 set iter_vtag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]
1062 if {[string compare $iter_vtag $vtag]} { \
1063 set lineout \\externaldocument\{$iter_vtag\}
1064 puts $handle $lineout
1065 }
1066 }
1067 }
1069 puts $handle "%"
1070 }
1072 #Outputs the common things in a document, from the "\makeindex" command
1073 #through the "\begin{document}" command.
1074 #
1075 proc output_common_lines_through_begindoc { handle } { \
1076 set preamble {
1077 "%Embarrassingly, I've forgotten why \"makeindex\" is necessary ..." \
1078 "\\makeindex" \
1079 "%" \
1080 "%Shared mathematical definitions" \
1081 "\\input\{volshare/workmdef\}" \
1082 "%" \
1083 "%Hyphenation exceptions" \
1084 "\\input\{volshare/workhxcp\}" \
1085 "%" \
1086 "%New environments, etc." \
1087 "\\input\{volshare/worknenv\}" \
1088 "%" \
1089 "\\begin\{document\}" \
1090 "%" \
1091 "%Index \"see\" definitions" \
1092 "\\input\{volshare/workidxs\}" \
1093 "%" \
1094 }
1096 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $preamble]} {incr i} { \
1097 puts $handle [lindex $preamble $i]
1098 }
1099 }
1101 #Outputs multi-volume volume and chapter definitions for a specific
1102 #volume.
1103 #
1104 #Inputs:
1105 # handle : File handle to write to.
1106 # vtag : Volume tag of the volume whose master file is being formed.
1107 # volnum : The ordinal number of the volume, as a decimal integer.
1108 # This is used to create ordinary numbers, roman numbers,
1109 # etc.
1110 #
1111 proc output_multi_volume_volume_and_chapter_definitions { handle vtag volnum } { \
1112 global bookVolumeList
1113 global bookVolumeListStructSize
1114 global mcl
1116 #Get the roman-numeral representation of the volume.
1117 set volnum_roman [upper_case_roman_numeral_string $volnum]
1119 #Get the long title of the volume.
1120 set vol_long_title [get_multi_vol_long_title $vtag]
1122 #Output the "current volume" LaTeX commands.
1123 puts $handle "%Constants for the current volume."
1124 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\curvolarabic\{$volnum\}"
1125 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\curvolroman\{$volnum_roman\}"
1126 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\curvoltitle\{$vol_long_title\}"
1127 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\curvoltitlepagesep\{: \}"
1128 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\curvoltitlepageprefix\{Volume \}"
1129 puts $handle "%"
1131 #Output definitions for all volumes. There is no need to exclude the
1132 #current volume, as this could just as well be cited in this framework.
1133 puts $handle "%Constants for all volumes."
1134 puts $handle "%"
1135 set temp_ordinal_volume_number 0
1136 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
1137 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
1138 set cur_iter_volume [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]
1140 if {[get_volume_used_flag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]} { \
1141 incr temp_ordinal_volume_number
1142 puts $handle "%%%% [string toupper [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]: Volume $temp_ordinal_volume_number: [get_multi_vol_long_title [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]] %%%%"
1143 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\v[replace_digits_with_alphas [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]arabic\{$temp_ordinal_volume_number\}"
1144 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\v[replace_digits_with_alphas [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]roman\{[upper_case_roman_numeral_string $temp_ordinal_volume_number]\}"
1145 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\v[replace_digits_with_alphas [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]title\{[get_multi_vol_long_title [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]\}"
1146 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\v[replace_digits_with_alphas [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]citecomma\{[string toupper [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]], \}"
1147 puts $handle "\\newcommand\\v[replace_digits_with_alphas [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]citehyphen\{[string toupper [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]-\}"
1148 puts $handle "%"
1150 #Output definitions for all chapters which are enclosed by the current volume. This is a bit tricky
1151 #because must traverse the mcl table and pick out the right portion.
1152 set state 0
1153 #"state" is a state variable which keeps track of where we are parsing the mcl table.
1154 #State values are as follows:
1155 # 0 -- have not yet found the right volume.
1156 # 1 -- are in the midst of the right volume.
1157 # 2 -- are into subsequent volumes.
1159 set cur_vol ""
1160 set chapter_or_appendix ""
1162 for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $mcl]} {incr j 4} { \
1163 set rectype [lindex $mcl [expr $j + 0]]
1164 set par1 [lindex $mcl [expr $j + 1]]
1165 set par2 [lindex $mcl [expr $j + 2]]
1166 set par3 [lindex $mcl [expr $j + 3]]
1168 if {$state == 0} { \
1169 if {! [string compare $rectype v] || ! [string compare $rectype w]} { \
1170 #This is a volume record that has meaning for us. In either case,
1171 #the vtag comes from par1.
1173 #Have not yet encountered our volume of interest. If this is
1174 #it, record and change state.
1175 if {![string compare $cur_iter_volume $par1]} { \
1176 set cur_vol $par1
1177 set chapter_or_appendix "Chapter"
1178 set state 1
1179 }
1180 }
1181 } \
1182 elseif {$state == 1} { \
1183 #We are within the volume of interest. Looking for chapter records.
1184 if {! [string compare $rectype c] || ! [string compare $rectype e]} { \
1185 set cur_chap_lc $par1
1186 set cur_chap_uc [string toupper $cur_chap_lc]
1187 set cur_chap_idstring [replace_digits_with_alphas $cur_chap_lc]
1188 set cur_chap_short_title [get_chap_short_single_volume_title $cur_chap_lc]
1189 set cur_chap_long_title [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $cur_chap_lc]
1190 set cur_chap_vol_arabic $temp_ordinal_volume_number
1191 set cur_chap_vol_roman [upper_case_roman_numeral_string $temp_ordinal_volume_number]
1192 set cur_chap_vol_title [get_multi_vol_long_title [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]
1194 puts $handle "%%%% Chapter C$cur_chap_uc: $cur_chap_long_title %%%%"
1195 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1196 puts $handle "volarabic\{$cur_chap_vol_arabic\}"
1197 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1198 puts $handle "volroman\{$cur_chap_vol_roman\}"
1199 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1200 puts $handle "voltitle\{$cur_chap_vol_title\}"
1201 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1202 puts $handle "shorttitle\{$cur_chap_short_title\}"
1203 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1204 puts $handle "title\{$cur_chap_long_title\}"
1205 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1206 puts $handle "longtitle\{$cur_chap_long_title\}"
1208 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1210 #For the cite, there are two cases to cover. If the chapter is in the
1211 #volume we're doing, the cite is the empty string. Otherwise, it
1212 #is the volume tag.
1213 if {![string compare $vtag $cur_iter_volume]} { \
1214 set cur_chap_xref_cite ""
1215 } \
1216 else {
1217 set cur_chap_xref_cite "[string toupper [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]"
1218 }
1220 if {[string length $cur_chap_xref_cite]} { \
1221 puts $handle "xrefhyphen\{$cur_chap_xref_cite-\}"
1222 } \
1223 else {
1224 puts $handle "xrefhyphen\{\}"
1225 }
1227 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1229 if {[string length $cur_chap_xref_cite]} { \
1230 puts $handle "xrefcomma\{$cur_chap_xref_cite, \}"
1231 } \
1232 else {
1233 puts $handle "xrefcomma\{\}"
1234 }
1236 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1237 puts $handle "mcclass\{$chapter_or_appendix\}"
1238 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1239 puts $handle "ucclass\{[string toupper $chapter_or_appendix]\}"
1240 puts -nonewline $handle "\\newcommand\\c$cur_chap_idstring"
1241 puts $handle "lcclass\{[string tolower $chapter_or_appendix]\}"
1242 puts $handle "%"
1243 } \
1244 elseif {! [string compare $rectype y]} { \
1245 #This is the beginning of the appendix material for a multi-volume work.
1246 set chapter_or_appendix "Appendix"
1247 } \
1248 elseif {! [string compare $rectype v] || ! [string compare $rectype w]} { \
1249 set state 2
1250 }
1251 } \
1252 elseif {$state == 2} { \
1253 #Do nothing. We are in the parsing state where we have done the volume of interest
1254 #and can't do more.
1255 } \
1256 else {
1257 error "Bad state variable."
1258 }
1259 }
1260 }
1261 }
1262 }
1265 #Outputs the matter between the volume and chapter definitions and
1266 #the chapters.
1267 proc output_matter_between_chapter_defs_and_chapters { handle vtag script_vcinfo sv_or_mv} { \
1268 puts $handle "%Title page(s)"
1269 puts $handle "\\input\{volshare/workttla\}"
1270 puts $handle "%"
1271 puts $handle "\\vspace\{-0.45in\}"
1272 puts $handle "%"
1273 puts $handle "%Version control information for this script."
1274 puts $handle "\\noindent\\begin\{minipage\}\{\\textwidth\}"
1275 puts $handle "\\noindent\\rule\[-0.25in\]\{\\textwidth\}\{1pt\}"
1276 puts $handle "\\begin\{tiny\}"
1277 puts $handle "\\begin\{verbatim\}"
1278 puts -nonewline $handle $script_vcinfo
1279 puts $handle "\\end\{verbatim\}"
1280 puts $handle "\\end\{tiny\}"
1281 puts $handle "\\noindent\\rule\[0.25in\]\{\\textwidth\}\{1pt\}"
1282 puts $handle "\\end\{minipage\}"
1283 puts $handle "%"
1284 puts $handle "%Declare this as frontmatter, the front portion before the meat"
1285 puts $handle "%of the book."
1286 puts $handle "\\frontmatter\{\}"
1287 puts $handle "%"
1288 puts $handle "%Preface"
1290 copy_preface_to_stream $handle $sv_or_mv
1292 puts $handle "%"
1293 puts $handle "%Acknowledgements"
1294 puts $handle "\\input\{volshare/workacks\}"
1295 puts $handle "%"
1296 puts $handle "%Table of contents"
1297 puts $handle "\\tableofcontents"
1298 puts $handle "%"
1299 puts $handle "%List of tables"
1300 puts $handle "\\listoftables"
1301 puts $handle "%"
1302 puts $handle "%List of figures"
1303 puts $handle "\\listoffigures"
1304 puts $handle "%"
1305 puts $handle "%List of algorithms"
1306 puts $handle "\\listofalgorithms"
1307 puts $handle "%"
1308 puts $handle "%Everything after this is the main matter, the \"meat\""
1309 puts $handle "%of the book."
1310 puts $handle "\\mainmatter\{\}"
1311 puts $handle "%"
1312 }
1314 #Copies the contents of the preface to the master file being formed. To accomodate
1315 #single-volume versus multi-volume builds, the two tags "<sv>" and "<mv>", which
1316 #must occur starting in column 1, are supported. These two tags indicate that the
1317 #line goes only to the single-volume build or the multi-volume build files.
1318 #The paramter sv or mv must be "s" or "m" for single or multi.
1319 #
1320 proc copy_preface_to_stream { handle sv_or_mv } { \
1321 #Set the compare tag based on the input parameter.
1322 if {![string compare $sv_or_mv "s"]} { \
1323 set compare_tag "<sv>"
1324 } \
1325 elseif {![string compare $sv_or_mv "m"]} {
1326 set compare_tag "<mv>"
1327 } \
1328 else {
1329 error
1330 }
1332 #Open the preface for processing.
1333 set phandle [open volshare/workprfa.tex r]
1335 #For each line, just copy it in, discarding lines with the wrong tag.
1336 set eof_found 0
1337 while {!$eof_found} { \
1338 #Grab a line.
1339 set line_in [gets $phandle]
1341 #Set a boolean if it contains a tag of any sort. Remove the tag from the line.
1342 set tag ""
1343 set tag_found 0
1344 set sf_result_1 [string first "<" $line_in]
1345 set sf_result_2 [string first ">" $line_in]
1346 set sf_result_3 [string first $compare_tag $line_in]
1347 if {( $sf_result_1 == 0 ) && ( $sf_result_2 == 3 ) } { \
1348 set tag_found 1
1349 }
1351 if {$tag_found && ! ($sf_result_3 == 0)} { \
1352 #There was a tag, but it is not for us. Discard the line.
1353 } \
1354 elseif {$tag_found && ($sf_result_3 == 0)} {
1355 #The tag was found, and it is for us. Remove the tag from the line and
1356 #put the line to the output.
1357 set line_in [string range $line_in 4 end]
1358 puts $handle $line_in
1359 } \
1360 else {
1361 #There was no tag found. Just pass the line through.
1362 puts $handle $line_in
1363 }
1365 set eof_found [eof $phandle]
1366 }
1368 #Close the preface, we are done with it.
1369 close $phandle
1370 }
1373 #Outputs the chapter and appendix includes for one volume of a multi-volume work
1374 #
1375 proc output_multi_volume_chapter_and_appendix_includes { handle vtag } { \
1376 global mcl
1378 #Output definitions for all chapters which are enclosed by the current volume. This is a bit tricky
1379 #because must traverse the mcl table and pick out the right portion.
1380 set state 0
1381 #"state" is a state variable which keeps track of where we are parsing the mcl table.
1382 #State values are as follows:
1383 # 0 -- have not yet found the right volume.
1384 # 1 -- are in the midst of the right volume.
1385 # 2 -- are into subsequent volumes.
1387 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $mcl]} {incr i 4} { \
1388 set rectype [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 0]]
1389 set par1 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 1]]
1390 set par2 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 2]]
1391 set par3 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 3]]
1393 if {$state == 0} { \
1394 if {! [string compare $rectype v] || ! [string compare $rectype w]} { \
1395 #This is a volume record that has meaning for us. In either case,
1396 #the vtag comes from par1.
1398 #Have not yet encountered our volume of interest. If this is
1399 #it, record and change state.
1400 if {![string compare $vtag $par1]} { \
1401 set cur_vol $par1
1402 set chapter_or_appendix "Chapter"
1403 set state 1
1404 }
1405 }
1406 } \
1407 elseif {$state == 1} { \
1408 #We are within the volume of interest. Looking for chapter records.
1409 if {! [string compare $rectype c] || ! [string compare $rectype e]} { \
1410 set cur_chap_lc $par1
1411 set cur_chap_uc [string toupper $cur_chap_lc]
1412 set cur_chap_idstring [replace_digits_with_alphas $cur_chap_lc]
1413 set cur_chap_short_title [get_chap_short_single_volume_title $cur_chap_lc]
1414 set cur_chap_long_title [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $cur_chap_lc]
1416 puts $handle "%%%% $chapter_or_appendix C$cur_chap_uc: $cur_chap_long_title %%%%"
1417 puts $handle "\\input\{c_$cur_chap_lc/c_$cur_chap_lc\}"
1418 puts $handle "%"
1419 } \
1420 elseif {! [string compare $rectype y]} { \
1421 #This is the beginning of the appendix material for a multi-volume work.
1422 set chapter_or_appendix "Appendix"
1423 puts $handle "\\appendix"
1424 puts $handle "%"
1425 } \
1426 elseif {! [string compare $rectype v] || ! [string compare $rectype w]} { \
1427 set state 2
1428 }
1429 } \
1430 elseif {$state == 2} { \
1431 #Do nothing. We are in the parsing state where we have done the volume of interest
1432 #and can't do more.
1433 } \
1434 else {
1435 error "Bad state variable."
1436 }
1437 }
1438 }
1441 #Builds one volume of a multi-volume work, passed the volume tag and the volume
1442 #number. The volume number is an ordinal number, and is used for normal
1443 #and roman numerals and stuff.
1444 #
1445 proc createMultiVolumeWork { vtag volume_number script_vcinfo } { \
1446 #Form the filename, based on the input tag. All that is required is a .TEX
1447 #suffix.
1448 set filename $vtag
1449 append filename .tex
1451 #Open the file for writing.
1452 set handle [open $filename w]
1454 #Insert the title line.
1455 output_title_line $handle $filename "Volume of multi-volume work."
1457 #Insert the document class and package includes.
1458 output_doc_class_and_package_includes $handle
1460 #For the multi-volume only, use the "XR" package.
1461 puts $handle "%Must use \"xr\" package to import symbols from other volumes."
1462 puts $handle "\\usepackage\{xr\}"
1463 puts $handle "%"
1465 #Insert the external document symbol imports.
1466 output_external_document_symbol_imports $handle $vtag
1468 #Insert common lines through the begindoc.
1469 output_common_lines_through_begindoc $handle
1471 #Insert the volume and chapter definitions.
1472 output_multi_volume_volume_and_chapter_definitions $handle $vtag $volume_number
1474 #Insert the matter after the volume and chapter definitions but before
1475 #the chapters and appendices.
1476 output_matter_between_chapter_defs_and_chapters $handle $vtag $script_vcinfo m
1478 #Insert the chapter and appendix includes.
1479 output_multi_volume_chapter_and_appendix_includes $handle $vtag
1481 #Output the final matter.
1482 output_tex_volume_final_matter $handle
1484 #Output the final line of the file, with the file name, for aesthetics.
1485 mark_end_of_tex_volume_files_for_aesthetics $handle $filename
1487 #Close the file.
1488 close $handle
1489 }
1491 #
1492 # Builds the two single-volume works (the two source files SVF.TEX and SVD.TEX). These
1493 # are quite a bit simpler than the multi-volume generations.
1494 #
1495 proc createSingleVolumeWorks { script_vcinfo } { \
1496 global mcl
1498 #Define the preamble number 1 for both of the files. This is text up until the chapter
1499 #definitions.
1500 set preamble1 {
1501 "%Definitions For Chapter Citations" \
1502 "%--------------------------------------------------------------" \
1503 "%These definitions are created automatically by the Wish Script" \
1504 "%\"CP_SCRIPT.TCL\"." \
1505 "%--------------------------------------------------------------" \
1506 "%Note that for the single-volume works, there is no concept of" \
1507 "%the \"xref\" prefix, as everything is in the same volume." \
1508 "%That is why this prefix is set to the empty string in all" \
1509 "%cases." \
1510 "%--------------------------------------------------------------" \
1511 }
1513 #Define the matter between the chapter constants and the start of the version control information
1514 #for this script.
1515 set midamble1 {
1516 "\\newcommand\\curvoltitle\{\Full Edition (All Content)\}" \
1517 "\\newcommand\\curvolroman\{\}" \
1518 "\\newcommand\\curvoltitlepagesep\{\}" \
1519 "\\newcommand\\curvoltitlepageprefix\{\}" \
1520 "" \
1521 }
1523 #Define the matter between the main volume's version control information and the start of the chapter
1524 #includes.
1525 set midamble2 {
1526 "" \
1527 }
1529 #outboth "Generating single-volume work main TEX source files (SVF.TEX, SVD.TEX)."
1530 outboth "Generating single-volume work main TEX source file (SVF.TEX)."
1532 #Open the two files we want to write.
1533 set fhandle [open svf.tex w]
1535 #Output the title and descriptions for the files.
1536 output_title_line $fhandle SVF.TEX "Final Version Of Single-Volume Work"
1538 #Insert the document class and package includes.
1539 output_doc_class_and_package_includes $fhandle
1541 #Output common things through "begindoc"
1542 output_common_lines_through_begindoc $fhandle
1544 #Output the first preamble to the files.
1545 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $preamble1]} {incr i} { \
1546 #puts $dhandle [lindex $preamble1 $i]
1547 puts $fhandle [lindex $preamble1 $i]
1548 }
1550 #Remembers whether the fundamental unit (the chapter) is a chapter or an
1551 #appendix. After the LaTeX "appendix" mark, everything gets numbered as
1552 #an appendix (A, B, C, etc.). This is included because if one Chapter or
1553 #Appendix needs to refer to another one symbolically (or to itself for that
1554 #matter) it needs to know if it is a chapter or appendix. This preserves
1555 #the ability to have something be an appendix in one compilation and a chapter
1556 #in another compilation.
1557 set chapter_or_appendix Chapter
1559 #Output the chapter citations for the files. The chapter citations are how one
1560 #chapter refers to another. For the "single-volume" works, there is no concept
1561 #of volume (there is only one), so the cites are just straight chapter cites.
1562 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $mcl]} {incr i 4} { \
1563 set rectype [lindex $mcl $i]
1565 if {! [string compare $rectype d] || ! [string compare $rectype e]} { \
1566 #This is a chapter record that we need to be concerned with.
1568 #Get the chapter tag.
1569 set ctag [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 1]]
1571 #Output a header line to both files indicating which chapter.
1572 #puts -nonewline $dhandle %C
1573 puts -nonewline $fhandle %C
1574 set ucctag [string toupper $ctag]
1575 #puts -nonewline $dhandle $ucctag
1576 puts -nonewline $fhandle $ucctag
1577 #puts -nonewline $dhandle ": "
1578 puts -nonewline $fhandle ": "
1579 #puts $dhandle [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $ctag]
1580 puts $fhandle [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $ctag]
1582 #Output the data for the chapter, as LaTeX commands.
1583 set textag [replace_digits_with_alphas $ctag]
1585 #xref command. This is how one chapter refers to another (the
1586 #prefix). Set constant empty here, because no prefix required.
1587 set linebuf ""
1588 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag xrefhyphen \{ \}
1589 #puts $dhandle $linebuf
1590 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1591 set linebuf ""
1592 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag xrefcomma \{ \}
1593 #puts $dhandle $linebuf
1594 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1596 #Long title. This is normally used for the chapter unless there
1597 #are space constraints, such as would occur on page headers.
1598 set linebuf ""
1599 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag longtitle \{ [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $ctag] \}
1600 #puts $dhandle $linebuf
1601 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1603 #Title (same as long title).
1604 set linebuf ""
1605 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag title \{ [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $ctag] \}
1606 #puts $dhandle $linebuf
1607 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1609 #Short title. This is used in confined areas, such as on page headers.
1610 set linebuf ""
1611 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag shorttitle \{ [get_chap_short_single_volume_title $ctag] \}
1612 #puts $dhandle $linebuf
1613 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1615 #Fill in the "Class", whether this is a chapter or an appendix.
1616 set linebuf ""
1617 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag mcclass \{ $chapter_or_appendix \}
1618 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1619 set linebuf ""
1620 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag ucclass \{ [string toupper $chapter_or_appendix] \}
1621 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1622 set linebuf ""
1623 append linebuf \\newcommand \\ c $textag lcclass \{ [string tolower $chapter_or_appendix] \}
1624 puts $fhandle $linebuf
1626 #Put in a blank line for aesthetics
1627 #puts $dhandle ""
1628 puts $fhandle ""
1629 } \
1630 elseif {! [string compare $rectype z]} {
1631 #This tag indicates the location of the beginning of the appendices. We
1632 #need to switch from chapter to appendix.
1633 set chapter_or_appendix Appendix
1634 }
1635 }
1637 #Put in the "midamble" before the version control information.
1638 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $midamble1]} {incr i} { \
1639 #puts $dhandle [lindex $midamble1 $i]
1640 puts $fhandle [lindex $midamble1 $i]
1641 }
1643 #Put in matter including title page and version control information.
1644 output_matter_between_chapter_defs_and_chapters $fhandle "" $script_vcinfo s
1646 #Put in the "midamble" until the chapter includes.
1647 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $midamble2]} {incr i} { \
1648 #puts $dhandle [lindex $midamble2 $i]
1649 puts $fhandle [lindex $midamble2 $i]
1650 }
1652 #Put in the chapter includes. This will involve looping through the mcl table and
1653 #inserting things. There is a differentiation between draft chapters and non-draft
1654 #chapters.
1655 set chapter_or_appendix Chapter
1656 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $mcl]} {incr i 4} { \
1657 set rectype [lindex $mcl $i]
1659 if {! [string compare $rectype d] || ! [string compare $rectype e]} { \
1660 #This is a chapter record that we need to be concerned with.
1661 #Can easily form the file name by a simple string concat with the
1662 #tag. For aesthetics, will also throw in the title.
1663 set ctag [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 1]]
1664 set ctitle [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $ctag]
1666 set line1 "%$chapter_or_appendix: $ctitle"
1667 set line2 ""
1668 append line2 \\input\{c_ $ctag /c_ $ctag \}
1670 #puts $dhandle $line1
1671 puts $fhandle $line1
1672 #puts $dhandle $line2
1673 puts $fhandle $line2
1674 #puts $dhandle ""
1675 puts $fhandle ""
1676 } \
1677 elseif {! [string compare $rectype p] || ! [string compare $rectype w]} {
1678 #This indicates that we need to spin a new part in the book. There are
1679 #two cases to consider. Either we yank the title from the volume information,
1680 #or else we yank the title from the par2 of the record. Set the title.
1681 set par1 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 1]]
1682 set par2 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 2]]
1684 if {[string length $par2]} { \
1685 set part_title $par2
1686 } \
1687 else {
1688 set part_title [get_vol_part_title $par1]
1689 }
1691 #We have the part title. Output the part record.
1692 set line1 "% New part: $part_title"
1693 set line2 "\\part\{$part_title\}"
1694 #puts $dhandle $line1
1695 puts $fhandle $line1
1696 #puts $dhandle $line2
1697 puts $fhandle $line2
1698 #puts $dhandle ""
1699 puts $fhandle ""
1700 } \
1701 elseif {! [string compare $rectype z]} {
1702 #This tag indicates the location of the beginning of the appendices. We
1703 #need to switch from chapter to appendix.
1704 set chapter_or_appendix Appendix
1706 #Also need to decorate the output files to reflect that we're going into
1707 #appendix mode.
1708 set appendix_mark {
1709 "%Mark the start of appendices. This causes numbering to be with letters" \
1710 "%instead of numbers." \
1711 "\\appendix" \
1712 "" \
1713 }
1714 for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $appendix_mark]} {incr j} { \
1715 #puts $dhandle [lindex $appendix_mark $j]
1716 puts $fhandle [lindex $appendix_mark $j]
1717 }
1718 }
1719 }
1721 #Now can put in the final matter.
1722 output_tex_volume_final_matter $fhandle
1724 #Mark the end of the files, for aesthetics.
1725 mark_end_of_tex_volume_files_for_aesthetics $fhandle svf.tex
1727 #Close the files.
1728 #close $dhandle
1729 close $fhandle
1731 hlineboth
1732 }
1735 #Write the preamble to the _README_.HTM file. This is everything up to the variable part that depends
1736 #on the parts and sections defined in the script.
1737 proc rebuildReadmeWritePreamble { fhandle } {
1738 set preamble {
1739 "<html>" \
1740 "" \
1741 "<head>" \
1742 "<title>README File:&nbsp; CD Accompanying &quot;A Practitioner's Guide ...&quot;</title>" \
1743 "</head>" \
1744 "" \
1745 "<body BACKGROUND=\"wbbkgnds/bkblue01.gif\" TEXT=\"\#000000\">" \
1746 "" \
1747 "<h1 ALIGN=\"center\">README File: CD Accompanying \"A Practitioner's Guide ...\"</h1>" \
1748 "" \
1749 "<hr>" \
1750 "" \
1751 "<p>This HTML file contains links to all of the files distributed with the book" \
1752 "&quot;A Practitioner's Guide To The Design And Development Of Small Microcontroller Software&quot;, and"\
1753 "explains what each of the files is.&nbsp; This file is automatically generated by the Wish script" \
1754 "SCRIPTS\\CP_SCRIPT.TCL.&nbsp; Note that some chapter titles" \
1755 "and other information in this HTML file may differ subtly from the book, because the Wish script" \
1756 "is aware of both long and short names for many titles -- the" \
1757 "long titles are used here, but the short titles may be used in some places in" \
1758 "the book.&nbsp; For LaTeX builds of the book,&nbsp; it is assumed that the" \
1759 "contents of this CD are present, with the subdirectory tree prserved, in the" \
1760 "directory C:\\ESRGUBKA, i.e. so that the full" \
1761 "path of this HTML file is C:\\ESRGUBKA\\_README_.HTM.&nbsp; All path names supplied" \
1762 "below are with respect to C:\\ESRGUBKA.</p>" \
1763 "" \
1764 "<hr>" \
1765 "" \
1766 }
1768 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $preamble]} {incr i} { \
1769 puts $fhandle [lindex $preamble $i]
1770 }
1771 }
1774 #Write the "meat" to the file. This is the table and variable stuff.
1775 proc rebuildReadmeWriteMeat { fhandle } {
1776 global readme_build_list
1778 #For indentation, the code supplied by Microsoft Front page was used as a guide.
1780 #Write the start of the table.
1781 puts $fhandle "<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">"
1783 #Set state variables to remember if anything must be closed as we iterate.
1784 set tr_active 0
1785 #True if in a <tr> block.
1786 set td_active 0
1787 #True if in a <td> block.
1788 set ul_active 0
1789 #True if in a <ul> block.
1790 set li_active 0
1791 #True if in a <li> item.
1793 #Loop through the list, processing each record. Front Page HTML was used as a
1794 #guide.
1795 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $readme_build_list]} {incr i} { \
1796 #Loop effort-savers.
1797 set cur_rec [lindex $readme_build_list $i]
1798 set cur_tag [string range $cur_rec 0 0]
1799 set cur_meat [string range $cur_rec 2 end]
1801 #puts $cur_rec
1803 #Split into cases, one for each possible tag.
1804 if {! [string compare -nocase $cur_tag F]} { \
1805 #If a <tr> block is not active, must start one.
1806 if {! $tr_active} { \
1807 puts $fhandle " <tr>"
1808 set tr_active 1
1809 }
1810 #If a <td> block is not active, must start one.
1811 if {! $td_active} { \
1812 puts $fhandle " <td width=\"100%\">"
1813 set td_active 1
1814 }
1815 #If a <ul> block is not active, must start one.
1816 if {! $ul_active} { \
1817 puts $fhandle " <ul>"
1818 set ul_active 1
1819 }
1820 #OK, can now write the filename and the associated markers. Will start
1821 #a list item in this endeavor, so must set this flag TRUE.
1822 #If a <li> block is active, must end it.
1823 if {$li_active} { \
1824 puts $fhandle " </li>"
1825 set li_active 0
1826 }
1827 set li_active 1
1828 puts $fhandle " <li><b><a href=\"" nonewline
1829 #When we stuff the file name in this context, need to change spaces to
1830 #the string "%20". The reasons for this are HTML syntax.
1831 puts $fhandle [replace_spaces_with_HTML_codes [string tolower $cur_meat]] nonewline
1832 puts $fhandle "\">" nonewline
1833 puts $fhandle [string toupper $cur_meat] nonewline
1834 puts $fhandle "</a>:</b>&nbsp; "
1835 } \
1836 elseif {! [string compare -nocase $cur_tag M]} { \
1837 #The first thing we need to do is close out any nested blocks that we are in.
1838 #If a <li> block is active, must end it.
1839 if {$li_active} { \
1840 puts $fhandle " </li>"
1841 set li_active 0
1842 }
1843 #If a <ul> block is active, must end it.
1844 if {$ul_active} { \
1845 puts $fhandle " </ul>"
1846 set ul_active 0
1847 }
1848 #If a <td> block is active, must end it.
1849 if {$td_active} { \
1850 puts $fhandle " </td>"
1851 set td_active 0
1852 }
1853 #If a <tr> block is active, must end it.
1854 if {$tr_active} { \
1855 puts $fhandle " </tr>"
1856 set tr_active 0
1857 }
1859 #Manually-generated header. Just stuff it in.
1860 puts $fhandle " <tr>"
1861 puts $fhandle " <td width=\"100%\"><b><font size=\"5\">" nonewline
1862 puts $fhandle "[string toupper $cur_meat]" nonewline
1863 puts $fhandle "</font></b></td>"
1864 puts $fhandle " </tr>"
1865 } \
1866 elseif {! [string compare -nocase $cur_tag C]} { \
1867 #If a <li> block is active, must end it.
1868 if {$li_active} { \
1869 puts $fhandle " </li>"
1870 set li_active 0
1871 }
1872 #If a <ul> block is active, must end it.
1873 if {$ul_active} { \
1874 puts $fhandle " </ul>"
1875 set ul_active 0
1876 }
1877 #If a <td> block is active, must end it.
1878 if {$td_active} { \
1879 puts $fhandle " </td>"
1880 set td_active 0
1881 }
1882 #If a <tr> block is active, must end it.
1883 if {$tr_active} { \
1884 puts $fhandle " </tr>"
1885 set tr_active 0
1886 }
1888 #This is one with a chapter tag. We need to look up the tag.
1889 set mc_ct [get_chap_long_single_volume_title $cur_meat]
1890 set uc_ct [string toupper $mc_ct]
1891 puts $fhandle " <tr>"
1892 puts $fhandle " <td width=\"100%\"><b><font size=\"5\">" nonewline
1893 puts $fhandle "CHAPTER " nonewline
1894 puts $fhandle [string toupper $cur_meat] nonewline
1895 puts $fhandle ":&nbsp; " nonewline
1896 puts $fhandle $uc_ct nonewline
1897 puts $fhandle "</font></b></td>"
1898 puts $fhandle " </tr>"
1899 } \
1900 elseif {! [string compare -nocase $cur_tag D]} { \
1901 #For descriptions, we just dump it in verbatim. There is no need to do any processing.
1902 puts $fhandle " " nonewline
1903 puts $fhandle $cur_meat
1904 } \
1905 else {
1906 error "Unexpected tag in readme_build_list."
1907 }
1908 }
1910 #Write the end of the table.
1911 puts $fhandle "</table>"
1912 puts $fhandle ""
1913 }
1916 #Write the postamble to the file. This is everything after the variable part.
1917 proc rebuildReadmeWritePostamble { fhandle } {
1918 #First, grab the time as seconds since a time mark unknown.
1919 set tref [clock seconds]
1921 #Convert the time obtained to date.
1922 set date [clock format $tref -format "%m/%d/%y"]
1924 #Convert the time obtained to hour and minute.
1925 set time [clock format $tref -format "%H:%M"]
1927 #This part has to be manually generated because of the date and time.
1928 puts $fhandle ""
1929 puts $fhandle "<hr>"
1930 puts $fhandle ""
1931 puts $fhandle "<p align=\"center\">This file automatically generated on " nonewline
1932 puts $fhandle $date nonewline
1933 puts $fhandle " at " nonewline
1934 puts $fhandle $time nonewline
1935 puts $fhandle " by "
1936 puts $fhandle "Wish script SCRIPTS\\CP_SCRIPT.TCL.</p>"
1937 puts $fhandle ""
1938 puts $fhandle "<hr noshade size=\"10\" color=\"\#000000\">"
1939 puts $fhandle "</body>"
1940 puts $fhandle "</html>"
1941 }
1943 #****************************************************************************************
1944 #****************************************************************************************
1945 #**** B U T T O N P R E S S F U N C T I O N S *******************************
1946 #****************************************************************************************
1947 #****************************************************************************************
1948 # Each of the functions in this category is called in response to a button on the main
1949 # graphical window being pressed.
1950 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1951 # Performs a full LaTeX compilation and indexing of all volumes. It isn't necessary to
1952 # subdivide this operation any further because the full build is rare enough that any
1953 # reasonable amount of time is OK. In the long term, it will be necessary to have the
1954 # tools build a full index spanning all volumes, but this isn't done yet.
1955 #
1956 proc fullLatexCompileAndIndexProc { } { \
1957 global bookVolumeList
1958 global bookVolumeListStructSize
1959 global pathUcBookA
1960 global execAcrobatDistiller
1961 global mcl
1962 global chapterList
1963 global chapterListStructSize
1965 outboth "BUTTON PRESS: Full LaTeX compile and index."
1966 hlineboth
1968 #As a first step, extract this script's version control information. This is used in
1969 #building the .TEX main files, to stamp them with the script's version control
1970 #information.
1971 set script_vcinfo [extract_this_scripts_version_control_information]
1973 #Set up the list of volumes and chapters to be processed. This involves scanning the mcl to see
1974 #what is used and what is not used, and setting flags accordingly. Volume "used" flags affect
1975 #how volumes are numbered and how they are cross-referenced. Chapter "used" flags are safely
1976 #ignored--it does no harm to include chapter cite information in the LaTeX output files--what will
1977 #happen is if the referenced chapter isn't included, the unresolvable references will be "pushed"
1978 #onto LaTeX.
1980 #Zero out all of the volume used flags.
1981 outbothnonl "Marking all volumes unused ... "
1982 mark_all_volumes_unused
1983 outboth "done."
1985 #Zero out all of the chapter used flags.
1986 outbothnonl "Marking all chapters unused ... "
1987 mark_all_chaps_unused
1988 outboth "done."
1990 #Iterate through the mcl list, figuring out which volumes and chapters are used. A "volume" is used
1991 #if it contains at least one chapter in the mcl list. A "chapter" is used if it appears either as
1992 #part of a volume or in the standalone work.
1993 outbothnonl "Scanning mcl list for used volumes and used chapters ... "
1994 set used_volumes 0
1995 set unused_volumes [expr [llength $bookVolumeList] / $bookVolumeListStructSize]
1996 set used_chapters 0
1997 set unused_chapters [expr [llength $chapterList] / $chapterListStructSize]
1998 set cur_vol ""
1999 set N [llength $mcl]
2000 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2001 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i 4} { \
2002 set mcl_rectype [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 0]]
2003 set mcl_par1 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 1]]
2004 set mcl_par2 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 2]]
2005 set mcl_par3 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 3]]
2007 if {! [string compare $mcl_rectype v] || ! [string compare $mcl_rectype w]} \
2008 {
2009 #The v record type declares a new volume, and the w declares both a new volume and
2010 #a new part. Either of these record types mean that we've hit a new volume boundary.
2011 #Remember this.
2012 set cur_vol $mcl_par1
2013 } \
2014 elseif {! [string compare $mcl_rectype c] || ! [string compare $mcl_rectype e]} { \
2015 #Either of these declare a chapter in the current volume. Process.
2016 #Mark the chapter as used, and update chapter statistics.
2017 if {[get_chap_used_flag $mcl_par1]} { \
2018 #The chapter is already used. Don't want to count the chapter as used
2019 #again.
2020 } \
2021 else {
2023 #outboth "Marking $mcl_par1"
2025 #The chapter isn't yet marked used.
2026 mark_chapter_used $mcl_par1
2027 incr used_chapters
2028 incr unused_chapters -1
2029 }
2030 #Mark the volume used if it is used.
2031 if {[string length $cur_vol]} { \
2032 if {![get_volume_used_flag $cur_vol]} { \
2033 #Mark that volume (the nearest above enclosing one) as used.
2034 mark_volume_used $cur_vol
2035 incr used_volumes
2036 incr unused_volumes -1
2037 }
2038 }
2039 }
2040 }
2042 outboth "done."
2044 #Output statistics about what is used and not used. This is helpful for diagnosis.
2045 outbothnonl "Used chapters: $used_chapters Unused chapters: $unused_chapters"
2046 outboth .
2047 outboth "Enumeration of unused chapters (if any):"
2048 set N [llength $chapterList]
2049 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2050 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $chapterListStructSize} { \
2051 #outboth "i: $i"
2052 if { ! [get_chap_used_flag [lindex $chapterList $i]]} { \
2053 outboth " [lindex $chapterList $i]"
2054 }
2055 }
2057 outbothnonl "Used volumes: $used_volumes Unused volumes: $unused_volumes"
2058 outboth .
2059 outboth "Enumeration of used volumes (if any):"
2060 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2061 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2062 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2063 #outboth "i: $i"
2064 if {[get_volume_used_flag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]} { \
2065 outboth " [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]"
2066 }
2067 }
2068 outboth "Enumeration of unused volumes (if any):"
2069 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2070 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2071 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2072 #outboth "i: $i"
2073 if { ! [get_volume_used_flag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]} { \
2074 outboth " [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]"
2075 }
2076 }
2078 #Delete all the output files. This guards against misunderstandings and accidents. In the deletion of output
2079 #files, whether volumes are used or not is not taken into account. The reason for this is neatness--if
2080 #the list of used volumes changes, it is helpful to get all of those files gone.
2082 #Delete the two single-volume files.
2083 set pathbase ""
2084 append pathbase $pathUcBookA / sv
2085 #set svlist {f.dvi f.ps f.pdf d.dvi d.ps d.pdf}
2086 set svlist {f.dvi f.ps f.pdf}
2087 set N [llength $svlist]
2089 #Iterate through, delete each single-volume file.
2090 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} { \
2091 set target $pathbase
2092 append target [lindex $svlist $i]
2094 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2095 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2096 outboth .
2097 file delete $target
2098 } \
2099 else {
2100 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2101 }
2102 }
2104 #Get number of elements in the list of volumes.
2105 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2107 #Iterate through, delete each file.
2108 for {set volnum 0} {$volnum < $N} {incr volnum $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2109 set voltag [lindex $bookVolumeList $volnum]
2111 set target ""
2112 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .dvi
2114 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2115 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2116 outboth .
2117 file delete $target
2118 } \
2119 else {
2120 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2121 }
2123 set target ""
2124 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ps
2126 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2127 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2128 outboth .
2129 file delete $target
2130 } \
2131 else {
2132 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2133 }
2135 set target ""
2136 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .pdf
2138 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2139 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2140 outboth .
2141 file delete $target
2142 } \
2143 else {
2144 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2145 }
2147 set target ""
2148 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .idx
2150 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2151 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2152 outboth .
2153 file delete $target
2154 } \
2155 else {
2156 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2157 }
2159 set target ""
2160 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ilg
2162 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2163 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2164 outboth .
2165 file delete $target
2166 } \
2167 else {
2168 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2169 }
2171 set target ""
2172 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ind
2174 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2175 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2176 outboth .
2177 file delete $target
2178 } \
2179 else {
2180 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2181 }
2183 set target ""
2184 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .toc
2186 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2187 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2188 outboth .
2189 file delete $target
2190 } \
2191 else {
2192 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2193 }
2195 set target ""
2196 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .aux
2198 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2199 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2200 outboth .
2201 file delete $target
2202 } \
2203 else {
2204 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2205 }
2207 }
2208 hlineboth
2210 #Create the master files for the two single volume works (the draft and the final).
2211 createSingleVolumeWorks $script_vcinfo
2213 #Create the master files for the volumes. The volumes are automatically numbered,
2214 #based on those that are used, starting with 1.
2215 set volume_number 0
2216 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2217 #Iterate through, delete each file.
2218 for {set volnum 0} {$volnum < $N} {incr volnum $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2219 set voltag [lindex $bookVolumeList $volnum]
2221 if {[get_volume_used_flag $voltag]} { \
2222 incr volume_number
2223 createMultiVolumeWork $voltag $volume_number $script_vcinfo
2224 }
2225 }
2227 #Do four full rounds of LaTeX compiles and index builds. This is necessary
2228 #to resolve cross-dependencies and be sure no page numbering changes.
2229 for {set round 0} {$round < 4} {incr round} { \
2230 outbothnonl "LaTeX compile, Round "
2231 outbothnonl $round
2232 outboth .
2233 hlineboth
2235 #Do the single-volume works.
2236 #LatexCompileFile svd.tex
2237 #MakeOrdinaryIndexFile svd
2238 LatexCompileFile svf.tex
2239 MakeOrdinaryIndexFile svf
2241 #Get number of elements in the list of volumes. Compile only the used ones.
2242 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2244 #Iterate through, compile each file.
2245 for {set volnum 0} {$volnum < $N} {incr volnum $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2246 set voltag [lindex $bookVolumeList $volnum]
2247 if {[get_volume_used_flag $voltag]} { \
2248 outbothnonl "Latex compile: $voltag"
2249 outboth .
2250 hlineboth
2252 set fullfilename ""
2253 append fullfilename $voltag .tex
2255 LatexCompileFile $fullfilename
2257 MakeOrdinaryIndexFile $voltag
2258 }
2259 }
2260 update
2261 }
2263 #DVIPS the single-volume file.
2264 outbothnonl "DVIPS: svf"
2265 RunDvipsToGenPsOutput svf
2267 #Modify the postscript in the single volume file to
2268 #generate a duplex file.
2269 ModifyPsToDuplex svf
2271 #PDF the two single-volume file.
2272 set psfilepath ""
2273 append psfilepath $pathUcBookA / svf.ps
2274 exec $execAcrobatDistiller $psfilepath &
2276 #Get number of elements in the list of volumes.
2277 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2279 #Iterate through, DVIPS each file.
2280 for {set volnum 0} {$volnum < $N} {incr volnum $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2281 set voltag [lindex $bookVolumeList $volnum]
2282 if {[get_volume_used_flag $voltag]} { \
2283 outbothnonl "DVIPS: $voltag"
2284 outboth .
2285 hlineboth
2287 RunDvipsToGenPsOutput $voltag
2288 ModifyPsToDuplex $voltag
2290 set psfilepath ""
2291 append psfilepath $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ps
2293 #There is no barrier at this point to also running Distiller. Distiller gives us
2294 #no information back.
2295 exec $execAcrobatDistiller $psfilepath &
2296 }
2297 update
2298 }
2300 outboth "DONE: BUTTON PRESS: Full LaTeX compile and index."
2301 hlineboth
2302 update
2303 }
2305 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2306 # Rebuilds all the master files. This operation can be useful if one isn't using 4AllTex
2307 # but wants to build the automatically-generated files anyway, perhaps to use another
2308 # version of LaTeX.
2309 #
2310 proc masterFileRebuildProc { } { \
2311 global bookVolumeList
2312 global bookVolumeListStructSize
2313 global pathUcBookA
2314 global execAcrobatDistiller
2315 global mcl
2316 global chapterList
2317 global chapterListStructSize
2319 outboth "BUTTON PRESS: Rebuild single-volume and multi-volume master files."
2320 hlineboth
2322 #As a first step, extract this script's version control information. This is used in
2323 #building the .TEX main files, to stamp them with the script's version control
2324 #information.
2325 set script_vcinfo [extract_this_scripts_version_control_information]
2327 #Set up the list of volumes and chapters to be processed. This involves scanning the mcl to see
2328 #what is used and what is not used, and setting flags accordingly. Volume "used" flags affect
2329 #how volumes are numbered and how they are cross-referenced. Chapter "used" flags are safely
2330 #ignored--it does no harm to include chapter cite information in the LaTeX output files--what will
2331 #happen is if the referenced chapter isn't included, the unresolvable references will be "pushed"
2332 #onto LaTeX.
2334 #Zero out all of the volume used flags.
2335 outbothnonl "Marking all volumes unused ... "
2336 mark_all_volumes_unused
2337 outboth "done."
2339 #Zero out all of the chapter used flags.
2340 outbothnonl "Marking all chapters unused ... "
2341 mark_all_chaps_unused
2342 outboth "done."
2344 #Iterate through the mcl list, figuring out which volumes and chapters are used. A "volume" is used
2345 #if it contains at least one chapter in the mcl list. A "chapter" is used if it appears either as
2346 #part of a volume or in the standalone work.
2347 outbothnonl "Scanning mcl list for used volumes and used chapters ... "
2348 set used_volumes 0
2349 set unused_volumes [expr [llength $bookVolumeList] / $bookVolumeListStructSize]
2350 set used_chapters 0
2351 set unused_chapters [expr [llength $chapterList] / $chapterListStructSize]
2352 set cur_vol ""
2353 set N [llength $mcl]
2354 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2355 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i 4} { \
2356 set mcl_rectype [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 0]]
2357 set mcl_par1 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 1]]
2358 set mcl_par2 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 2]]
2359 set mcl_par3 [lindex $mcl [expr $i + 3]]
2361 if {! [string compare $mcl_rectype v] || ! [string compare $mcl_rectype w]} \
2362 {
2363 #The v record type declares a new volume, and the w declares both a new volume and
2364 #a new part. Either of these record types mean that we've hit a new volume boundary.
2365 #Remember this.
2366 set cur_vol $mcl_par1
2367 } \
2368 elseif {! [string compare $mcl_rectype c] || ! [string compare $mcl_rectype e]} { \
2369 #Either of these declare a chapter in the current volume. Process.
2370 #Mark the chapter as used, and update chapter statistics.
2371 if {[get_chap_used_flag $mcl_par1]} { \
2372 #The chapter is already used. Don't want to count the chapter as used
2373 #again.
2374 } \
2375 else {
2377 #outboth "Marking $mcl_par1"
2379 #The chapter isn't yet marked used.
2380 mark_chapter_used $mcl_par1
2381 incr used_chapters
2382 incr unused_chapters -1
2383 }
2384 #Mark the volume used if it is used.
2385 if {[string length $cur_vol]} { \
2386 if {![get_volume_used_flag $cur_vol]} { \
2387 #Mark that volume (the nearest above enclosing one) as used.
2388 mark_volume_used $cur_vol
2389 incr used_volumes
2390 incr unused_volumes -1
2391 }
2392 }
2393 }
2394 }
2396 outboth "done."
2398 #Output statistics about what is used and not used. This is helpful for diagnosis.
2399 outbothnonl "Used chapters: $used_chapters Unused chapters: $unused_chapters"
2400 outboth .
2401 outboth "Enumeration of unused chapters (if any):"
2402 set N [llength $chapterList]
2403 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2404 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $chapterListStructSize} { \
2405 #outboth "i: $i"
2406 if { ! [get_chap_used_flag [lindex $chapterList $i]]} { \
2407 outboth " [lindex $chapterList $i]"
2408 }
2409 }
2411 outbothnonl "Used volumes: $used_volumes Unused volumes: $unused_volumes"
2412 outboth .
2413 outboth "Enumeration of used volumes (if any):"
2414 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2415 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2416 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2417 #outboth "i: $i"
2418 if {[get_volume_used_flag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]} { \
2419 outboth " [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]"
2420 }
2421 }
2422 outboth "Enumeration of unused volumes (if any):"
2423 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2424 #Iterate through the list, taking notes.
2425 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2426 #outboth "i: $i"
2427 if { ! [get_volume_used_flag [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]]} { \
2428 outboth " [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]"
2429 }
2430 }
2432 #Delete all the output files. This guards against misunderstandings and accidents. In the deletion of output
2433 #files, whether volumes are used or not is not taken into account. The reason for this is neatness--if
2434 #the list of used volumes changes, it is helpful to get all of those files gone.
2436 #Delete the two single-volume files.
2437 set pathbase ""
2438 append pathbase $pathUcBookA / sv
2439 #set svlist {f.dvi f.ps f.pdf d.dvi d.ps d.pdf}
2440 set svlist {f.dvi f.ps f.pdf}
2441 set N [llength $svlist]
2443 #Iterate through, delete each single-volume file.
2444 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} { \
2445 set target $pathbase
2446 append target [lindex $svlist $i]
2448 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2449 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2450 outboth .
2451 file delete $target
2452 } \
2453 else {
2454 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2455 }
2456 }
2458 #Get number of elements in the list of volumes.
2459 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2461 #Iterate through, delete each file.
2462 for {set volnum 0} {$volnum < $N} {incr volnum $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2463 set voltag [lindex $bookVolumeList $volnum]
2465 set target ""
2466 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .dvi
2468 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2469 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2470 outboth .
2471 file delete $target
2472 } \
2473 else {
2474 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2475 }
2477 set target ""
2478 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ps
2480 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2481 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2482 outboth .
2483 file delete $target
2484 } \
2485 else {
2486 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2487 }
2489 set target ""
2490 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .pdf
2492 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2493 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2494 outboth .
2495 file delete $target
2496 } \
2497 else {
2498 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2499 }
2501 set target ""
2502 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .idx
2504 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2505 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2506 outboth .
2507 file delete $target
2508 } \
2509 else {
2510 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2511 }
2513 set target ""
2514 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ilg
2516 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2517 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2518 outboth .
2519 file delete $target
2520 } \
2521 else {
2522 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2523 }
2525 set target ""
2526 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .ind
2528 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2529 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2530 outboth .
2531 file delete $target
2532 } \
2533 else {
2534 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2535 }
2537 set target ""
2538 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .toc
2540 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2541 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2542 outboth .
2543 file delete $target
2544 } \
2545 else {
2546 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2547 }
2549 set target ""
2550 append target $pathUcBookA / $voltag .aux
2552 if {[file exists $target]} { \
2553 outbothnonl "Deleting $target"
2554 outboth .
2555 file delete $target
2556 } \
2557 else {
2558 outboth "Skipping $target : file does not exist."
2559 }
2561 }
2562 hlineboth
2564 #Create the master files for the two single volume works (the draft and the final).
2565 createSingleVolumeWorks $script_vcinfo
2567 #Create the master files for the volumes. The volumes are automatically numbered,
2568 #based on those that are used, starting with 1.
2569 set volume_number 0
2570 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2571 #Iterate through, delete each file.
2572 for {set volnum 0} {$volnum < $N} {incr volnum $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2573 set voltag [lindex $bookVolumeList $volnum]
2575 if {[get_volume_used_flag $voltag]} { \
2576 incr volume_number
2577 createMultiVolumeWork $voltag $volume_number $script_vcinfo
2578 }
2579 }
2581 outboth "DONE: Rebuild single-volume and multi-volume master files.."
2582 hlineboth
2583 update
2584 }
2586 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2587 # Rebuilds the _README_.HTM file for the book, using the list of files and descriptions
2588 # embedded in the script. Also identifies files which files and directories which should
2589 # be present but are not.
2590 #
2591 proc rebuildReadmeHtmForBookProc { } { \
2592 #Entry message.
2593 outboth "Rebuild README.HTM for book button clicked."
2595 #First, open the _README_.HTM file for writing. This will automatically empty the
2596 #file if it already exists.
2597 set fhandle [open _README_.HTM "w"]
2599 #Write the preamble to the file.
2600 rebuildReadmeWritePreamble $fhandle
2602 #Write the meat of the file.
2603 rebuildReadmeWriteMeat $fhandle
2605 #Write the postamble to the file.
2606 rebuildReadmeWritePostamble $fhandle
2608 #Close the file which was opened.
2609 close $fhandle
2611 #Termination message.
2612 outboth "DONE: BUTTON PRESS: Build of _README_.HTM."
2613 hlineboth
2614 }
2616 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2617 # Copies all of the book .PDF files to the places where they are needed (there may be
2618 # multiple locations for each file). This is a simple copy operation.
2619 #
2620 proc copyBookPdfsProc { } { \
2622 global bookVolumeList
2623 global bookVolumeListStructSize
2624 global readme_build_list
2626 set paths { \
2627 "c:/distribs/common/supmatls/books/embedded_control/dta_ucswbk_a" \
2628 "f:/wrootdta/proftopics/pubs_distributions_downloads/ucswbook01/outline_and_pdfs" \
2629 }
2631 outboth "BUTTON PRESS: Copy book .PDFs to other locations that must be"
2632 outboth " mirrored."
2633 hlineboth
2635 #These are the names of the two single-volume files.
2636 #set svlist {svf.pdf svd.pdf}
2637 set svlist {svf.pdf}
2639 foreach path $paths { \
2640 outbothnonl "Copying to "
2641 outboth $path
2643 #Iterate through, copy each single-volume file.
2644 set N [llength $svlist]
2645 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} { \
2646 set source [lindex $svlist $i]
2647 set dest $path
2648 append dest / [lindex $svlist $i]
2649 if {[file exists $source]} { \
2650 outboth " Copying from: $source"
2651 outboth " to: $dest."
2652 file copy -force -- $source $dest
2653 } \
2654 else {
2655 outboth " Can't copy $source: does not exist."
2656 }
2657 update
2658 }
2660 #Get number of elements in the list of volumes.
2661 set N [llength $bookVolumeList]
2663 #Iterate through, copy each file.
2664 for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i $bookVolumeListStructSize} { \
2665 set source [lindex $bookVolumeList $i]
2666 append source .pdf
2667 set dest $path
2668 append dest / [lindex $bookVolumeList $i] .pdf
2669 if {[file exists $source]} { \
2670 outboth " Copying from: $source"
2671 outboth " to: $dest."
2672 file copy -force -- $source $dest
2673 } \
2674 else {
2675 outboth " Can't copy $source: does not exist."
2676 }
2677 update
2678 }
2679 }
2681 hlineboth
2683 #The above just copies the .PDF files to a few needed locations. The portion below
2684 #performs a full directory copy (just of the files mentioned in the list which
2685 #defines the _README_.HTM file) to a set of target directories. The directories
2686 #themselves are wiped in advance.
2687 set fullcopypaths { \
2688 "f:/wrootdta/proftopics/pubs_distributions_downloads/ucswbook01/outline_and_pdfs" \
2689 "f:/ftproot/anonymous_user_common_area/books/ucswbka" \
2690 }
2692 foreach fullcopypath $fullcopypaths { \
2693 #Destroy the subdirectory and all subcomponents.
2694 outbothnonl "Destroying: "
2695 outboth $fullcopypath
2696 file delete -force $fullcopypath
2698 #Create the base directory. This will be at the same level as the directory
2699 #"c:/esrgubka" in the build on Dave Ashley's computer.
2700 file mkdir $fullcopypath
2702 #For each of the files in the list to build the _README_.HTM file, create the
2703 #directory in which the file exists, the copy the file.
2704 foreach cur_line $readme_build_list { \
2705 #Update the display so there is not an apparent freeze.
2706 update
2708 #Iteration timesavers.
2709 set cur_tag [string range $cur_line 0 0]
2710 set cur_meat [string range $cur_line 2 end]
2712 if {! [string compare -nocase $cur_tag "F"]} { \
2714 #puts $cur_tag
2715 #puts $cur_meat
2717 #Replace any backslashes in the string with forward slashes.
2718 set fname $cur_meat
2719 set fname [string map {"\\" "/"} $fname]
2721 #Concatenate the target directory with the file name to get the full name.
2722 set fullfname ""
2723 append fullfname $fullcopypath
2724 append fullfname "/"
2725 append fullfname $fname
2727 #Rip off the final path component to get the directory that must exist, and
2728 #create the required directory.
2729 set location [string last "/" $fullfname]
2730 if {$location >= 0} { \
2731 set dir_to_create [string range $fullfname 0 [expr $location - 1]]
2732 outbothnonl " Creating directory: "
2733 set dir_to_create [string tolower $dir_to_create]
2734 outboth $dir_to_create
2735 file mkdir $dir_to_create
2736 } \
2737 else {
2738 outboth "No directory to create."
2739 }
2741 #Convert everything to lower case. It looks more aesthetically pleasing
2742 #that way.
2743 set fname [string tolower $fname]
2744 set fullfname [string tolower $fullfname]
2746 #The directory that needs to exist definitely exists. Perform the copy.
2747 outbothnonl " Copying from: "
2748 outboth $fname
2749 outbothnonl " to: "
2750 outboth $fullfname
2751 file copy -force -- $fname $fullfname
2752 }
2753 }
2754 }
2756 hlineboth
2757 }
2759 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2760 # Removes known extraneous and disposable ESRG Tool Set files and directories.
2761 #
2762 proc removeESRGToolSetKnownExtraneousFilesAndDirectoriesProc { } { \
2763 outboth "ESRG Tool Set remove extraneous files and directories button clicked."
2764 hlineboth
2765 }
2767 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2768 # Identifies extraneous ESRG Tool Set files and directories, which are foreign but at the
2769 # same time not known to be deletable. It is safest to let the user look at these.
2770 #
2771 proc identifyESRGToolSetExtraneousFilesAndDirectoriesProc { } { \
2772 outboth "ESRG Tool Set identify extraneous files and directories button clicked."
2773 hlineboth
2774 }
2776 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2777 # Performs a full clean build of all executable versions of ESRGScripter. This consists
2778 # of:
2779 # o Deletion of all existing .OBJ and .EXE files to assure a clean build.
2780 # o Deletion of all other copy targets.
2781 # o A full clean build.
2782 # o A full re-copy to destinations for assembly.
2783 # o Generation of README.HTM files, watching for missing files.
2784 #
2785 proc fullBuildOfAllESRGToolSetExecutableVersionsProc { } { \
2786 outboth "ESRG Tool Set full build button clicked."
2787 hlineboth
2788 }
2791 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2792 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2793 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2794 # Main script.
2796 console show
2797 #We have to use this, or the console won't be created when running a script
2798 #directly on invocation.
2800 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2801 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2802 #------ C O N S T A N T S ----------------------------------------------------------__
2803 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2804 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2805 #***************************************************************************
2806 #Logging constants.
2807 set loglinelength 78
2808 #The length of a line in the log.
2810 set buildlogfilename cp_log.txt
2811 #The name of the log file which we'll use.
2813 #***************************************************************************
2814 #Directory path constants. These can be configured for a different machine
2815 #which might have a different drive name, etc.
2816 #
2817 #Path where Tex executables are located.
2818 set pathTexExecutables "C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64"
2819 #
2820 #Path where the the book source code is located. Everything is assumed in
2821 #a static arrangement below this directory.
2822 set pathUcBookA c:/svnsbx/dtapublic/pubs/books/ucbka/trunk
2825 #***************************************************************************
2826 #Executable path constants. There should be very little variation in these
2827 #from machine to machine. I've used 4AllTex (a distribution of LaTeX), but
2828 #my understanding is that all distributions of LaTeX are the same executable
2829 #names, etc.--usually just different GUI wrappers.
2830 #
2831 #File where the LaTeX compiler resides.
2832 set execLatexCompiler ""
2833 append execLatexCompiler $pathTexExecutables / latex.exe
2835 #File where the MAKEINDEX program resides.
2836 set execMakeindex ""
2837 append execMakeindex $pathTexExecutables / makeindex.exe
2839 #File where the DVIPS program resides.
2840 set execDvips ""
2841 append execDvips $pathTexExecutables / dvips.exe
2843 #Executable for Acrobat Distiller.
2844 set execAcrobatDistiller "C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Acrobat 2017/Acrobat/acrodist.exe"
2847 #***************************************************************************
2848 #Volumes of the book, with their long and short titles, in the
2849 #single-volume and multi-volume versions of the book, respectively.
2850 #Order is:
2851 # Single volume long name (used when longer description is required in
2852 # single volume build).
2853 # Single volume short name (used when shorter description is required in
2854 # single volume build).
2855 # Single volume part name (used to actually name the "Part" in the
2856 # single-volume compile). (May not be used.)
2857 # Multi-volume long name (used when longer description required).
2858 # Multi-volume short name (used when shorter description required).
2859 # Multi-volume cover name (the name which actually appears on the volume
2860 # cover).
2861 # Used flag (1 or 0), a scratch flag.
2862 #
2863 #Each of these is a LaTeX compilation unit. All
2864 #compilations and builds are based on this set of names. These should be
2865 #arranged in order of ascending volume numbers, not in alphabetical order.
2866 #This is to protect for the case of moving to the Tcl script generating
2867 #certain of the files automatically and numbering automatically.
2868 #
2869 #As of 08/27/01, this list contains many unused volumes that were deleted (and
2870 #turned into chapters). These will be kept around for a while, in case they
2871 #are added again in the future as the work grows.
2872 set bookVolumeList {
2873 con0 \
2874 "Concepts" \
2875 "Concepts" \
2876 "Concepts" \
2877 "Concepts" \
2878 "Concepts" \
2879 "Concepts" \
2880 "1" \
2881 mfr0 \
2882 "Mathematical Frameworks And Results" \
2883 "Mathematical Frameworks And Results" \
2884 "Mathematical Frameworks And Results" \
2885 "Mathematical Frameworks And Results" \
2886 "Mathematical Frameworks And Results" \
2887 "Mathematical Frameworks And Results" \
2888 "1" \
2889 csw0 \
2890 "Construction Of Embedded Software" \
2891 "Construction Of Embedded Software" \
2892 "Construction Of Embedded Software" \
2893 "Construction Of Embedded Software" \
2894 "Construction Of Embedded Software" \
2895 "Construction Of Embedded Software" \
2896 "1" \
2897 alg0 \
2898 "Embedded System Algorithms And Techniques" \
2899 "Embedded System Algorithms And Techniques" \
2900 "Embedded System Algorithms And Techniques" \
2901 "Embedded System Algorithms And Techniques" \
2902 "Embedded System Algorithms And Techniques" \
2903 "Embedded System Algorithms And Techniques" \
2904 "1" \
2905 pac0 \
2906 "Practical, Administrative, Incidental, And Miscellaneous Topics" \
2907 "Practical, Administrative, Incidental, And Miscellaneous Topics" \
2908 "Practical, Administrative, Incidental, And Miscellaneous Topics" \
2909 "Practical, Administrative, Incidental, And Miscellaneous Topics" \
2910 "Practical, Administrative, Incidental, And Miscellaneous Topics" \
2911 "Practical, Administrative, Incidental, And Miscellaneous Topics" \
2912 "1" \
2913 isk0 \
2914 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
2915 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
2916 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
2917 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
2918 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
2919 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
2920 "1" \
2921 ijt0 \
2922 "ESRG Workstation-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2923 "ESRG Workstation-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2924 "ESRG Workstation-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2925 "ESRG Workstation-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2926 "ESRG Workstation-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2927 "ESRG Workstation-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2928 "1" \
2929 ijv0 \
2930 "ESRG Server-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2931 "ESRG Server-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2932 "ESRG Server-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2933 "ESRG Server-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2934 "ESRG Server-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2935 "ESRG Server-Based Tool Set Reference Guide" \
2936 "1" \
2937 sma0 \
2938 "Solutions Manual" \
2939 "Solutions Manual" \
2940 "Solutions Manual" \
2941 "Solutions Manual" \
2942 "Solutions Manual" \
2943 "Solutions Manual" \
2944 "1" \
2945 rta0 \
2946 "Real-Time Analysis" \
2947 "Real-Time Analysis" \
2948 "Real-Time Analysis" \
2949 "Real-Time Analysis" \
2950 "Real-Time Analysis" \
2951 "Real-Time Analysis" \
2952 "1" \
2953 scr0 \
2954 "Support Of Common Software Requirements And Design Scenarios"\
2955 "Support Of Common Software Requirements And Design Scenarios"\
2956 "Support Of Common Software Requirements And Design Scenarios"\
2957 "Support Of Common Software Requirements And Design Scenarios"\
2958 "Support Of Common Software Requirements And Design Scenarios"\
2959 "Support Of Common Software Requirements And Design Scenarios"\
2960 "1" \
2961 soc0 \
2962 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2963 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2964 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2965 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2966 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2967 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2968 "1" \
2969 sfc0 \
2970 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2971 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2972 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2973 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2974 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2975 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Systems" \
2976 "1" \
2977 caf0 \
2978 "Implementation Of Common Automotive Features" \
2979 "Implementation Of Common Automotive Features" \
2980 "Implementation Of Common Automotive Features" \
2981 "Implementation Of Common Automotive Features" \
2982 "Implementation Of Common Automotive Features" \
2983 "Implementation Of Common Automotive Features" \
2984 "1" \
2985 snw0 \
2986 "Support Of Networks And Communication Protocols" \
2987 "Support Of Networks And Communication Protocols" \
2988 "Support Of Networks And Communication Protocols" \
2989 "Support Of Networks And Communication Protocols" \
2990 "Support Of Networks And Communication Protocols" \
2991 "Support Of Networks And Communication Protocols" \
2992 "1" \
2993 nal0 \
2994 "Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
2995 "Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
2996 "Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
2997 "Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
2998 "Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
2999 "Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3000 "1" \
3001 nna0 \
3002 "Non-Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3003 "Non-Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3004 "Non-Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3005 "Non-Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3006 "Non-Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3007 "Non-Numerical Algorithms, Results, And Techniques" \
3008 "1" \
3009 sdm0 \
3010 "Software Design Methods" \
3011 "Software Design Methods" \
3012 "Software Design Methods" \
3013 "Software Design Methods" \
3014 "Software Design Methods" \
3015 "Software Design Methods" \
3016 "1" \
3017 cpc0 \
3018 "Microcontroller And CPU Core Usage Application Notes" \
3019 "Microcontroller And CPU Core Usage Application Notes" \
3020 "Microcontroller And CPU Core Usage Application Notes" \
3021 "Microcontroller And CPU Core Usage Application Notes" \
3022 "Microcontroller And CPU Core Usage Application Notes" \
3023 "Microcontroller And CPU Core Usage Application Notes" \
3024 "1" \
3025 sti0 \
3026 "Software Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3027 "Software Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3028 "Software Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3029 "Software Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3030 "Software Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3031 "Software Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3032 "1" \
3033 stn0 \
3034 "Software Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3035 "Software Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3036 "Software Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3037 "Software Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3038 "Software Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3039 "Software Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3040 "1" \
3041 hti0 \
3042 "Hardware Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3043 "Hardware Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3044 "Hardware Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3045 "Hardware Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3046 "Hardware Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3047 "Hardware Tool Descriptions And Information" \
3048 "1" \
3049 htn0 \
3050 "Hardware Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3051 "Hardware Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3052 "Hardware Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3053 "Hardware Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3054 "Hardware Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3055 "Hardware Tool Usage And Application Notes" \
3056 "1" \
3057 hwd0 \
3058 "Hardware Design" \
3059 "Hardware Design" \
3060 "Hardware Design" \
3061 "Hardware Design" \
3062 "Hardware Design" \
3063 "Hardware Design" \
3064 "1" \
3065 pte0 \
3066 "Product Testing" \
3067 "Product Testing" \
3068 "Product Testing" \
3069 "Product Testing" \
3070 "Product Testing" \
3071 "Product Testing" \
3072 "1" \
3073 pas0 \
3074 "Product Manufacturing And Assembly" \
3075 "Product Manufacturing And Assembly" \
3076 "Product Manufacturing And Assembly" \
3077 "Product Manufacturing And Assembly" \
3078 "Product Manufacturing And Assembly" \
3079 "Product Manufacturing And Assembly" \
3080 "1" \
3081 pro0 \
3082 "Process, Administrative, And Personnel Issues" \
3083 "Process, Administrative, And Personnel Issues" \
3084 "Process, Administrative, And Personnel Issues" \
3085 "Process, Administrative, And Personnel Issues" \
3086 "Process, Administrative, And Personnel Issues" \
3087 "Process, Administrative, And Personnel Issues" \
3088 "1" \
3089 orq0 \
3090 "Open Research Questions" \
3091 "Open Research Questions" \
3092 "Open Research Questions" \
3093 "Open Research Questions" \
3094 "Open Research Questions" \
3095 "Open Research Questions" \
3096 "1" \
3097 llr0 \
3098 "Lessons Learned" \
3099 "Lessons Learned" \
3100 "Lessons Learned" \
3101 "Lessons Learned" \
3102 "Lessons Learned" \
3103 "Lessons Learned" \
3104 "1" \
3105 bpr0 \
3106 "Best Practices" \
3107 "Best Practices" \
3108 "Best Practices" \
3109 "Best Practices" \
3110 "Best Practices" \
3111 "Best Practices" \
3112 "1" \
3113 hpj0 \
3114 "Hardware Projects" \
3115 "Hardware Projects" \
3116 "Hardware Projects" \
3117 "Hardware Projects" \
3118 "Hardware Projects" \
3119 "Hardware Projects" \
3120 "1" \
3121 sca0 \
3122 "Software Case Studies" \
3123 "Software Case Studies" \
3124 "Software Case Studies" \
3125 "Software Case Studies" \
3126 "Software Case Studies" \
3127 "Software Case Studies" \
3128 "1" \
3129 hca0 \
3130 "Hardware Case Studies" \
3131 "Hardware Case Studies" \
3132 "Hardware Case Studies" \
3133 "Hardware Case Studies" \
3134 "Hardware Case Studies" \
3135 "Hardware Case Studies" \
3136 "1" \
3137 cdt0 \
3138 "Correspondence And Discussion Threads" \
3139 "Correspondence And Discussion Threads" \
3140 "Correspondence And Discussion Threads" \
3141 "Correspondence And Discussion Threads" \
3142 "Correspondence And Discussion Threads" \
3143 "Correspondence And Discussion Threads" \
3144 "1" \
3145 dtm0 \
3146 "Document Templates" \
3147 "Document Templates" \
3148 "Document Templates" \
3149 "Document Templates" \
3150 "Document Templates" \
3151 "Document Templates" \
3152 "1" \
3153 }
3155 set bookVolumeListStructSize 8
3156 #The numer of physical records per each logical record in the list above. This
3157 #minimizes tearup if things are added to what is above.
3159 set bookVolumeListIndex(NOT_USED) 0
3160 #Used to initialize the associative index array for the book volumes, so there are
3161 #no problems declaring it global to procs before it is first defined. This index
3162 #is associative by the 4-character volume code, and stores an integer which is the
3163 #base array index into the group of info for that volume name. This is done to
3164 #avoid repeated searches of the entire space. I would guess the Tcl hash function
3165 #is faster than a linear search.
3167 # The list of chapters in the entire work. They don't have to be in any particular
3168 # order (so I've arranged them alphabetically by tag). The fields are, in order:
3169 # a)The tag.
3170 # b)Single volume long name.
3171 # c)Single volume short name.
3172 # d)Multiple volume long name.
3173 # e)Multiple volume short name.
3174 # f)Single volume status ("D" or "F"). "D" indicates that chapter should be treated as a
3175 # draft chapter for the single volume work and only included in the draft version. "F" indicates
3176 # should be included in both draft and final versions.
3177 # g)Multi-volume status ("D" or "F"). See description immediately above, except
3178 # applies to multi-volume work.
3179 # h)"Used" flag ("Y" or "N"). This flag is set by the software as it runs to remember if a chapter
3180 # is referenced in the mcl or not. This is a scratch flag.
3181 #
3182 # As of 08/27/01, this list contains many unused chapters that were deleted. These will
3183 # be kept around for a while, in case they are added again in the future as the work grows.
3184 set chapterList {
3185 add0 \
3186 "Addition" \
3187 "Addition" \
3188 "Addition" \
3189 "Addition" \
3190 "F" \
3191 "F" \
3192 "0" \
3193 bal0 \
3194 "Boolean Algebra And Simplification Of Boolean Functions" \
3195 "Simplification Of Boolean Functions" \
3196 "Boolean Algebra And Simplification Of Boolean Functions" \
3197 "Simplification Of Boolean Functions" \
3198 "F" \
3199 "F" \
3200 "0" \
3201 bas0 \
3202 "Solutions: Boolean Algebra And Simplification Of Boolean Functions" \
3203 "Solutions: Boolean Algebra" \
3204 "Solutions: Boolean Algebra And Simplification Of Boolean Functions" \
3205 "Solutions: Boolean Algebra" \
3206 "F" \
3207 "F" \
3208 "0" \
3209 ber0 \
3210 "Build Environment Research Questions" \
3211 "Build Environment Research Questions" \
3212 "Build Environment Research Questions" \
3213 "Build Environment Research Questions" \
3214 "F" \
3215 "F" \
3216 "0" \
3217 bma0 \
3218 "Bad Management And Unpleasant Work Situations" \
3219 "Bad Management" \
3220 "Bad Management And Unpleasant Work Situations" \
3221 "Bad Management" \
3222 "F" \
3223 "F" \
3224 "0" \
3225 cch0 \
3226 "CRC, Checksum, And Hash Function Extensions" \
3227 "CRC, Checksum, And Hash Extensions" \
3228 "CRC, Checksum, And Hash Function Extensions" \
3229 "CRC, Checksum, And Hash Extensions" \
3230 "F" \
3231 "F" \
3232 "0" \
3233 cfr0 \
3234 "Continued Fractions And Related Topics" \
3235 "Continued Fractions And Related Topics" \
3236 "Continued Fractions And Related Topics" \
3237 "Continued Fractions And Related Topics" \
3238 "F" \
3239 "F" \
3240 "0" \
3241 cfs0 \
3242 "Solutions: Continued Fractions And Related Topics" \
3243 "Solutions: Continued Fractions" \
3244 "Solutions: Continued Fractions And Related Topics" \
3245 "Solutions: Continued Fractions" \
3246 "F" \
3247 "F" \
3248 "0" \
3249 cil0 \
3250 "Classical And Simple Integer Algorithms And Techniques" \
3251 "Simple Integer Algorithms" \
3252 "Classical And Simple Integer Algorithms And Techniques" \
3253 "Simple Integer Algorithms" \
3254 "F" \
3255 "F" \
3256 "0" \
3257 cis0 \
3258 "Solutions: Classical And Simple Integer Algorithms And Techniques" \
3259 "Solutions: Simple Integer Algorithms" \
3260 "Solutions: Classical And Simple Integer Algorithms And Techniques" \
3261 "Solutions: Simple Integer Algorithms" \
3262 "F" \
3263 "F" \
3264 "0" \
3265 css1 \
3266 "Canonical Server Setup" \
3267 "Canonical Server Setup" \
3268 "Canonical Server Setup" \
3269 "Canonical Server Setup" \
3270 "F" \
3271 "F" \
3272 "0" \
3273 cst0 \
3274 "Coding Standards" \
3275 "Coding Standards" \
3276 "Coding Standards" \
3277 "Coding Standards" \
3278 "F" \
3279 "F" \
3280 "0" \
3281 daa0 \
3282 "Decoration And Automatic Assembly" \
3283 "Decoration And Automatic Assembly" \
3284 "Decoration And Automatic Assembly" \
3285 "Decoration And Automatic Assembly" \
3286 "F" \
3287 "F" \
3288 "0" \
3289 dcm0 \
3290 "DOS Console-Mode Utilities" \
3291 "DOS Console-Mode Utilities" \
3292 "DOS Console-Mode Utilities" \
3293 "DOS Console-Mode Utilities" \
3294 "F" \
3295 "F" \
3296 "0" \
3297 div0 \
3298 "Division" \
3299 "Division" \
3300 "Division" \
3301 "Division" \
3302 "F" \
3303 "F" \
3304 "0" \
3305 dta0 \
3306 "Discrete-Time And Complex Integer Algorithms And Techniques" \
3307 "Complex Integer Algorithms" \
3308 "Discrete-Time And Complex Integer Algorithms And Techniques" \
3309 "Complex Integer Algorithms" \
3310 "F" \
3311 "F" \
3312 "0" \
3313 edc0 \
3314 "Error-Detecting And Error-Correcting Codes, With Microcontroller Applications" \
3315 "Error-Detecting And Correcting Codes" \
3316 "Error-Detecting And Error-Correcting Codes, With Microcontroller Applications" \
3317 "Error-Detecting And Correcting Codes" \
3318 "F" \
3319 "F" \
3320 "0" \
3321 eds0 \
3322 "Solutions: Error-Detecting And Error-Correcting Codes, With Microcontroller Applications" \
3323 "Solutions: Error-Detecting And Correcting Codes" \
3324 "Solutions: Error-Detecting And Error-Correcting Codes, With Microcontroller Applications" \
3325 "Solutions: Error-Detecting And Correcting Codes" \
3326 "F" \
3327 "F" \
3328 "0" \
3329 faq0 \
3330 "Frequently Asked Questions And Frequently Encountered Problems" \
3331 "FAQs And Common Problems" \
3332 "Frequently Asked Questions And Frequently Encountered Problems" \
3333 "FAQs And Common Problems" \
3334 "F" \
3335 "F" \
3336 "0" \
3337 frs0 \
3338 "Solutions: Farey Series And Related Topics" \
3339 "Solutions: Farey Series" \
3340 "Solutions: Farey Series And Related Topics" \
3341 "Solutions: Farey Series" \
3342 "F" \
3343 "F" \
3344 "0" \
3345 fry0 \
3346 "Farey Series And Related Topics" \
3347 "Farey Series And Related Topics" \
3348 "Farey Series And Related Topics" \
3349 "Farey Series And Related Topics" \
3350 "F" \
3351 "F" \
3352 "0" \
3353 fte0 \
3354 "File Transformation Extension" \
3355 "File Transformation Extension" \
3356 "File Transformation Extension" \
3357 "File Transformation Extension" \
3358 "F" \
3359 "F" \
3360 "0" \
3361 hgr0 \
3362 "The Holy Grail" \
3363 "The Holy Grail" \
3364 "The Holy Grail" \
3365 "The Holy Grail" \
3366 "F" \
3367 "F" \
3368 "0" \
3369 hrq0 \
3370 "Hardware Research Questions" \
3371 "Hardware Research Questions" \
3372 "Hardware Research Questions" \
3373 "Hardware Research Questions" \
3374 "F" \
3375 "F" \
3376 "0" \
3377 int0 \
3378 "Introduction To Small Microcontroller Work" \
3379 "Introduction To Small Microcontroller Work" \
3380 "Introduction To Small Microcontroller Work" \
3381 "Introduction To Small Microcontroller Work" \
3382 "F" \
3383 "F" \
3384 "0" \
3385 ird0 \
3386 "Interrupt-Related Software Defects" \
3387 "Interrupt-Related Software Defects" \
3388 "Interrupt-Related Software Defects" \
3389 "Interrupt-Related Software Defects" \
3390 "F" \
3391 "F" \
3392 "0" \
3393 isa1 \
3394 "Introduction and Server Architecture" \
3395 "Introduction and Server Architecture" \
3396 "Introduction and Server Architecture" \
3397 "Introduction and Server Architecture" \
3398 "F" \
3399 "F" \
3400 "0" \
3401 isk0 \
3402 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
3403 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
3404 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
3405 "Insektengericht And Lessons Learned" \
3406 "F" \
3407 "F" \
3408 "0" \
3409 lie0 \
3410 "Long Integer Extensions" \
3411 "Long Integer Extensions" \
3412 "Long Integer Extensions" \
3413 "Long Integer Extensions" \
3414 "F" \
3415 "F" \
3416 "0" \
3417 mpd0 \
3418 "Management Of Product Development Materials" \
3419 "Management Of Product Development Materials" \
3420 "Management Of Product Development Materials" \
3421 "Management Of Product Development Materials" \
3422 "F" \
3423 "F" \
3424 "0" \
3425 mtn0 \
3426 "Miscellaneous Topics From Mathematics And Number Theory" \
3427 "Miscellaneous Mathematical Topics" \
3428 "Miscellaneous Topics From Mathematics And Number Theory" \
3429 "Miscellaneous Mathematical Topics" \
3430 "F" \
3431 "F" \
3432 "0" \
3433 mul0 \
3434 "Multiplication" \
3435 "Multiplication" \
3436 "Multiplication" \
3437 "Multiplication" \
3438 "F" \
3439 "F" \
3440 "0" \
3441 nam0 \
3442 "Naming Conventions" \
3443 "Naming Conventions" \
3444 "Naming Conventions" \
3445 "Naming Conventions" \
3446 "F" \
3447 "F" \
3448 "0" \
3449 nnu0 \
3450 "Non-Numerical Algorithms And Techniques" \
3451 "Non-Numerical Algorithms And Techniques" \
3452 "Non-Numerical Algorithms And Techniques" \
3453 "Non-Numerical Algorithms And Techniques" \
3454 "F" \
3455 "F" \
3456 "0" \
3457 nth0 \
3458 "Number Theory Extensions" \
3459 "Number Theory Extensions" \
3460 "Number Theory Extensions" \
3461 "Number Theory Extensions" \
3462 "F" \
3463 "F" \
3464 "0" \
3465 orq0 \
3466 "Open Research Questions" \
3467 "Open Research Questions" \
3468 "Open Research Questions" \
3469 "Open Research Questions" \
3470 "F" \
3471 "F" \
3472 "0" \
3473 pbc0 \
3474 "Product Build- And Configuration-Related Software Defects" \
3475 "Build And Configuration Defects" \
3476 "Product Build- And Configuration-Related Software Defects" \
3477 "Build And Configuration Defects" \
3478 "F" \
3479 "F" \
3480 "0" \
3481 pco0 \
3482 "General Practical Construction Of Embedded Software" \
3483 "General Practical Construction Of Embedded Software" \
3484 "General Practical Construction Of Embedded Software" \
3485 "General Practical Construction Of Embedded Software" \
3486 "F" \
3487 "F" \
3488 "0" \
3489 pit0 \
3490 "Practical Interface And Test Circuits" \
3491 "Practical Interface And Test Circuits" \
3492 "Practical Interface And Test Circuits" \
3493 "Practical Interface And Test Circuits" \
3494 "F" \
3495 "F" \
3496 "0" \
3497 pri0 \
3498 "Integers, Prime Numbers, And Related Topics" \
3499 "Integers, Primes, And Related Topics" \
3500 "Integers, Prime Numbers, And Related Topics" \
3501 "Integers, Primes, And Related Topics" \
3502 "F" \
3503 "F" \
3504 "0" \
3505 prs0 \
3506 "Solutions: Integers, Prime Numbers, And Related Topics" \
3507 "Solutions: Integers, Primes, And Related Topics" \
3508 "Solutions: Integers, Prime Numbers, And Related Topics" \
3509 "Solutions: Integers, Primes, And Related Topics" \
3510 "F" \
3511 "F" \
3512 "0" \
3513 pxf0 \
3514 "Products Of Exceptional Functionality" \
3515 "Products Of Exceptional Functionality" \
3516 "Products Of Exceptional Functionality" \
3517 "Products Of Exceptional Functionality" \
3518 "F" \
3519 "F" \
3520 "0" \
3521 qua0 \
3522 "Quantization" \
3523 "Quantization" \
3524 "Quantization" \
3525 "Quantization" \
3526 "F" \
3527 "F" \
3528 "0" \
3529 rat0 \
3530 "Rational Approximation" \
3531 "Rational Approximation" \
3532 "Rational Approximation" \
3533 "Rational Approximation" \
3534 "F" \
3535 "F" \
3536 "0" \
3537 ras0 \
3538 "Solutions: Rational Approximation" \
3539 "Solutions: Rational Approximation" \
3540 "Solutions: Rational Approximation" \
3541 "Solutions: Rational Approximation" \
3542 "F" \
3543 "F" \
3544 "0" \
3545 rcs0 \
3546 "Ratiometric Conversion And Measurement Systems" \
3547 "Ratiometric Measurement Systems" \
3548 "Ratiometric Conversion And Measurement Systems" \
3549 "Ratiometric Measurement Systems" \
3550 "F" \
3551 "F" \
3552 "0" \
3553 rnd1 \
3554 "Random Number Generation Extensions" \
3555 "Random Number Generation Extensions" \
3556 "Random Number Generation Extensions" \
3557 "Random Number Generation Extensions" \
3558 "F" \
3559 "F" \
3560 "0" \
3561 rne0 \
3562 "Rational Number Extensions" \
3563 "Rational Number Extensions" \
3564 "Rational Number Extensions" \
3565 "Rational Number Extensions" \
3566 "F" \
3567 "F" \
3568 "0" \
3569 rta0 \
3570 "Real-Time Analysis" \
3571 "Real-Time Analysis" \
3572 "Real-Time Analysis" \
3573 "Real-Time Analysis" \
3574 "F" \
3575 "F" \
3576 "0" \
3577 sds0 \
3578 "Standard Directory Structures" \
3579 "Standard Directory Structures" \
3580 "Standard Directory Structures" \
3581 "Standard Directory Structures" \
3582 "F" \
3583 "F" \
3584 "0" \
3585 sfo0 \
3586 "Support Of Frequently-Occurring Requirements" \
3587 "Support Of Frequently-Occurring Requirements" \
3588 "Support Of Frequently-Occurring Requirements" \
3589 "Support Of Frequently-Occurring Requirements" \
3590 "F" \
3591 "F" \
3592 "0" \
3593 snc0 \
3594 "Support Of Communication Protocols And Networks" \
3595 "Support Of Communication Protocols And Networks" \
3596 "Support Of Communication Protocols And Networks" \
3597 "Support Of Communication Protocols And Networks" \
3598 "F" \
3599 "F" \
3600 "0" \
3601 soc0 \
3602 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3603 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3604 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3605 "Support Of On-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3606 "F" \
3607 "F" \
3608 "0" \
3609 soc1 \
3610 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3611 "Off-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3612 "Support Of Off-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3613 "Off-Chip Peripherals And Subsystems" \
3614 "F" \
3615 "F" \
3616 "0" \
3617 sub0 \
3618 "Subtraction" \
3619 "Subtraction" \
3620 "Subtraction" \
3621 "Subtraction" \
3622 "F" \
3623 "F" \
3624 "0" \
3625 tcm0 \
3626 "Tcl Command Reference" \
3627 "Tcl Command Reference" \
3628 "Tcl Command Reference" \
3629 "Tcl Command Reference" \
3630 "F" \
3631 "F" \
3632 "0" \
3633 tin0 \
3634 "Introduction And Overview Of The ESRG Tool Set" \
3635 "ESRG Tool Set Overview/Introduction" \
3636 "Introduction And Overview Of The ESRG Tool Set" \
3637 "ESRG Tool Set Overview/Introduction" \
3638 "F" \
3639 "F" \
3640 "0" \
3641 tkm0 \
3642 "Tk Command Reference" \
3643 "Tk Command Reference" \
3644 "Tk Command Reference" \
3645 "Tk Command Reference" \
3646 "F" \
3647 "F" \
3648 "0" \
3649 vct0 \
3650 "Version Control Extensions" \
3651 "Version Control Extensions" \
3652 "Version Control Extensions" \
3653 "Version Control Extensions" \
3654 "F" \
3655 "F" \
3656 "0" \
3657 wrl0 \
3658 "Watchdog-Related Lessons Learned" \
3659 "Watchdog-Related Lessons Learned" \
3660 "Watchdog-Related Lessons Learned" \
3661 "Watchdog-Related Lessons Learned" \
3662 "F" \
3663 "F" \
3664 "0" \
3665 xtn0 \
3666 "Tcl/Tk Extensions" \
3667 "Tcl/Tk Extensions" \
3668 "Tcl/Tk Extensions" \
3669 "Tcl/Tk Extensions" \
3670 "F" \
3671 "F" \
3672 "0" \
3673 }
3675 set chapterListStructSize 8
3676 # The number of physical records per logical record. Makes modifications easier if records added
3677 # to end.
3679 set chapterListIndex(NOT_USED) 0
3680 #Used to initialize the associative index array for the book chapters, so there are
3681 #no problems declaring it global to procs before it is first defined. This index
3682 #is associative by the 4-character chapter code, and stores an integer which is the
3683 #base array index into the group of info for that chapter name. This is done to
3684 #avoid repeated searches of the entire space. I would guess the Tcl hash function
3685 #is faster than a linear search.
3688 # This is the master compilation list. This indicates the bindings between volumes and chapters
3689 # and so forth. The two major compilation themes are "Single-Volume" (the entire book in one
3690 # document) and "Multi-Volume" (the work is broken up into volumes). Each type of compilation loops
3691 # through the list to extract the records of interest to it. There is commonization possible, but it
3692 # is also possible that the two types of work are disjoint enough that they are nearly separate. The
3693 # list format accomodates both. Each list item is a record, with the record type followed by three
3694 # parameters, any or all of which may be optional. Record types are as follows:
3695 #
3696 # v: Start of a new volume. In this case, par1 is the 4-character tag of the volume. par2
3697 # and par3 are ignored.
3698 #
3699 # p: Start of a new part. In this case, there are two possibilities. par1 may indicate the
3700 # 4-character tag of the volume to use for info (the part name is extracted from there), or par2 may
3701 # indicate the actual title of the part.
3702 #
3703 # w: Start of both new volume and new part. par1 contains the 4-character tag of the volume,
3704 # and par2 contains an optional title string. The volume title is always taken from the data
3705 # for par1. The part name is taken from the same data if par2 is empty, or else par2 overrides
3706 # the part name. par3 is ignored.
3707 #
3708 # c: Volume chapter. par1 provides the 4-character chapter tag. par2 and par3 are ignored.
3709 #
3710 # d: Part chapter. par1 provides the 4-character chapter tag. par2 and par3 are ignored.
3711 #
3712 # e: Both volume and part chapter. par1 provides the 4-character chapter tag. par2 and par3 are
3713 # ignored.
3714 #
3715 # y: Beginning of "appendix" matter of volume of multi-volume work. par1, par2, and par3 are ignored.
3716 #
3717 # z: Beginning of "appendix" matter of single-volume work. par1, par2, and par3 are ignored.
3718 #
3719 # Based on this table plus the volume and chapter tables earlier, this Tcl script prepares the following files:
3720 # svf.tex
3721 # The single-volume final master TEX file.
3722 # svd.tex
3723 # The single-volume draft master TEX file.
3724 # ????f.tex
3725 # For each volume, the master volume final TEX file.
3726 # ????d.tex
3727 # For each volume, the master volume draft TEX file.
3728 #
3729 # The differentiation between "final" and "draft" is that in a "final" work, the chapters marked as
3730 # draft aren't included.
3731 #
3732 set mcl {
3733 "v" \
3734 "con0" \
3735 "" \
3736 "" \
3737 "p" \
3738 "" \
3739 "Concepts" \
3740 "" \
3741 "e" \
3742 "int0" \
3743 "" \
3744 "" \
3745 "e" \
3746 "hgr0" \
3747 "" \
3748 "" \
3749 "y" \
3750 "" \
3751 "" \
3752 "" \
3753 "w" \
3754 "mfr0" \
3755 "" \
3756 "" \
3757 "e" \
3758 "pri0" \
3759 "" \
3760 "" \
3761 "e" \
3762 "fry0" \
3763 "" \
3764 "" \
3765 "e" \
3766 "cfr0" \
3767 "" \
3768 "" \
3769 "e" \
3770 "edc0" \
3771 "" \
3772 "" \
3773 "e" \
3774 "bal0" \
3775 "" \
3776 "" \
3777 "e" \
3778 "qua0" \
3779 "" \
3780 "" \
3781 "e" \
3782 "mtn0" \
3783 "" \
3784 "" \
3785 "w" \
3786 "csw0" \
3787 "" \
3788 "" \
3789 "e" \
3790 "pco0" \
3791 "" \
3792 "" \
3793 "e" \
3794 "soc0" \
3795 "" \
3796 "" \
3797 "e" \
3798 "soc1" \
3799 "" \
3800 "" \
3801 "e" \
3802 "snc0" \
3803 "" \
3804 "" \
3805 "e" \
3806 "sfo0" \
3807 "" \
3808 "" \
3809 "e" \
3810 "rta0" \
3811 "" \
3812 "" \
3813 "w" \
3814 "alg0" \
3815 "" \
3816 "" \
3817 "e" \
3818 "cil0" \
3819 "" \
3820 "" \
3821 "e" \
3822 "rat0" \
3823 "" \
3824 "" \
3825 "e" \
3826 "dta0" \
3827 "" \
3828 "" \
3829 "e" \
3830 "nnu0" \
3831 "" \
3832 "" \
3833 "w" \
3834 "pac0" \
3835 "" \
3836 "" \
3837 "e" \
3838 "mpd0" \
3839 "" \
3840 "" \
3841 "e" \
3842 "pit0" \
3843 "" \
3844 "" \
3845 "e" \
3846 "bma0" \
3847 "" \
3848 "" \
3849 "e" \
3850 "pxf0" \
3851 "" \
3852 "" \
3853 "e" \
3854 "orq0" \
3855 "" \
3856 "" \
3857 "e" \
3858 "isk0" \
3859 "" \
3860 "" \
3861 "w" \
3862 "ijt0" \
3863 "" \
3864 "" \
3865 "e" \
3866 "tin0" \
3867 "" \
3868 "" \
3869 "e" \
3870 "tcm0" \
3871 "" \
3872 "" \
3873 "e" \
3874 "tkm0" \
3875 "" \
3876 "" \
3877 "e" \
3878 "faq0" \
3879 "" \
3880 "" \
3881 "e" \
3882 "xtn0" \
3883 "" \
3884 "" \
3885 "e" \
3886 "dcm0" \
3887 "" \
3888 "" \
3889 "w" \
3890 "ijv0" \
3891 "" \
3892 "" \
3893 "e" \
3894 "isa1" \
3895 "" \
3896 "" \
3897 "e" \
3898 "css1" \
3899 "" \
3900 "" \
3901 "w" \
3902 "sma0" \
3903 "" \
3904 "" \
3905 "e" \
3906 "prs0" \
3907 "" \
3908 "" \
3909 "e" \
3910 "frs0" \
3911 "" \
3912 "" \
3913 "e" \
3914 "cfs0" \
3915 "" \
3916 "" \
3917 "e" \
3918 "eds0" \
3919 "" \
3920 "" \
3921 "e" \
3922 "bas0" \
3923 "" \
3924 "" \
3925 "e" \
3926 "cis0" \
3927 "" \
3928 "" \
3929 "e" \
3930 "ras0" \
3931 "" \
3932 "" \
3933 "p" \
3934 "" \
3935 "Glossaries, Bibliography, And Index" \
3936 "" \
3937 "z" \
3938 "" \
3939 "" \
3940 "" \
3941 }
3943 #List which gives instructions for forming the _README_.HTM file. Each string in the
3944 #list is one of the following types:
3945 # F: filename : specifies a filename to be incorporated as a link. Also used
3946 # as a reference to copy files which will eventually go into the CD for
3947 # the book. If it doesn't appear in this list and in the _README_.HTM
3948 # file, it won't be copied.
3949 # H: Manually specified header. This is a banner header with a title
3950 # we get to specify.
3951 # C: Chapter header. We use the chapter tag for this.
3952 # D: Description line following filename.
3953 #
3954 set readme_build_list {
3955 "M:PDF Versions Of This Work" \
3956 "F:SVF.PDF" \
3957 "D:PDF version of the single-volume work." \
3958 "M:Outline Of This Work (And FTP Information)" \
3959 "F:INDEX2.HTM" \
3960 "D:Outline of this work. Also includes information about how to obtain the complete set of LaTeX" \
3961 "D:build materials via anonymous FTP." \
3962 "M:Utility And Build Files" \
3963 "F:_README_.HTM" \
3964 "D:This file." \
3966 "D:Blue background used for some HTML documents." \
3968 "D:Yellow background used for some HTML documents." \
3970 "D:The Wish (i.e. Tcl/Tk) script used to build the book and peform utility functions" \
3971 "D:(such as copying the resulting files to locations on the server in Dave Ashley's" \
3972 "D:apartment).&nbsp; This script must be checked and modified to run on any computer" \
3973 "D:(besides Dave Ashley's) because it makes assumptions about the location and presence" \
3974 "D:of LaTeX, LaTeX utilities, and other programs.&nbsp; To build the book without using" \
3975 "D:this script, use a LaTeX compiler to compile the file" \
3976 "D:<a href=\"svf.tex\">SVF.TEX</a>." \
3978 "D:The statically compiled Wish interpreter used to interpret the Wish script above.&nbsp; This" \
3979 "D:executable is usable &quot;as-is&quot;; however, the full distribution of this Wish interpreter" \
3980 "D:can be obtained as <a href=\"http://www.digibuy.com/cgi-bin/product.html?97647721717\">Digibuy" \
3981 "D:Product \#97647721717</a>, and the full source code can be obtained as" \
3982 "D:<a href=\"http://www.digibuy.com/cgi-bin/product.html?97647784511\">Digibuy Product" \
3983 "D:#97647784511</a>.&nbsp; Please note that newer versions of these Digibuy products" \
3984 "D:may be available." \
3986 "D:The Windows 98 shortcut which allows the Wish script (above) to be run using the static" \
3987 "D:Wish interpreter (above).&nbsp; This shortcut comes from a Windows '98 system and it is" \
3988 "D:not known which Windows systems it is compatible with." \
3989 "C:int0" \
3990 "F:C_INT0\\C_INT0.TEX" \
3991 "D:LaTeX source code for the chapter." \
3992 "C:hgr0" \
3993 "F:C_HGR0\\C_HGR0.TEX" \
3994 "D:LaTeX source code for the chapter." \
3995 "C:pri0" \
3996 "F:C_PRI0\\C_PRI0.TEX" \
3997 "D:LaTeX source code for the chapter." \
3998 "F:C_FRY0\\C_FRY0.TEX" \
3999 "D:LaTeX source code for the chapter." \
4000 "F:C_FRY0\\FAREY01A.DSF" \
4001 "D:Micrografx Designer document for the diagram showing the integer lattice interpretation" \
4002 "D:of the Farey series with numerator and denominator both constrained." \
4003 "F:C_FRY0\\FAREY01A.EPS" \
4004 "D:Postscript version of C_FRY0\\FAREY01A.DSF, used with LaTeX." \
4005 "F:C_FRY0\\FAREY01B.DSF" \
4006 "D:Micrografx Designer document for the diagram showing the graphical construction of the Farey" \
4007 "D:series with numerator and denominator both constrained." \
4008 "F:C_FRY0\\FAREY01B.EPS" \
4009 "D:Postscript version of C_FRY0\\FAREY01B.DSF, used with LaTeX." \
4010 "C:cfr0" \
4011 "F:C_CFR0\\C_CFR0.TEX" \
4012 "D:LaTeX source code for the chapter." \
4013 }
4016 #*************************************
4017 #Graphical button display constants
4018 set buttonPadx 5
4019 set buttonPady 5
4020 set buttonWidth 45
4021 set buttonHeight 2
4022 set exitButtonColor #f88
4023 set bookButtonColor #3d3
4024 set esrgtoolsetButtonColor #99d
4026 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4027 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4028 #----- L O G F I L E O P E N -----------------------------------------------__
4029 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4030 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4031 #Write a thick horizontal line to the console.
4032 thickhlineconsole
4034 #Need to change working directories to the root directory for the book.
4035 #The log file goes there.
4036 cd $pathUcBookA
4038 #Attempt to get the build log file open. If this file is read only (which I
4039 #don't care to override from the script), or if there are other problems,
4040 #just abort. We cannot proceed unless we can make a log.
4041 #
4042 puts -nonewline "Attempting to open the build log file ($buildlogfilename) ... "
4043 set buildlogfilehandle [open $buildlogfilename "w+"]
4044 puts "success."
4045 puts -nonewline "Build log file handle is: $buildlogfilehandle"; puts "."
4046 puts "All console output from this point forward will be echoed to the log file."
4048 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4049 #Thick horizontal line to denote start.
4050 thickhlineboth
4052 #Annunciation, what we are trying to build.
4053 outboth "*** Book And ESRG Tool Set Utility Script Log ***"
4054 hlineboth
4056 #Put the system date and time into the build log and on the console.
4057 set buildbegintimestamp [clock seconds]
4058 set s0 [clock format $buildbegintimestamp -format "Execution beginning at: %A, %B %d, %Y; %I:%M:%S %p."]
4059 outboth $s0
4060 hlineboth
4062 #Index the list of volumes for quicker access and manipulation.
4063 IndexVolumeList
4065 #Index the list of chapters for quicker access and manipulation.
4066 IndexChapterList
4069 #*************************************
4071 set exitButton [button .b1 -padx $buttonPadx -pady $buttonPady \
4072 -text "Exit" \
4073 -command exitProc -width $buttonWidth -height $buttonHeight \
4074 -background $exitButtonColor]
4076 set rebuildMasterFilesButton \
4077 [button .b2 -padx $buttonPadx -pady $buttonPady \
4078 -text "BOOK: Rebuild\nmaster .TEX files" \
4079 -command masterFileRebuildProc -width $buttonWidth -height $buttonHeight \
4080 -background $bookButtonColor]
4082 set rebuildReadmeHtmBookButton \
4083 [button .b3 -padx $buttonPadx -pady $buttonPady \
4084 -text "BOOK: Rebuild\nREADME.HTM" \
4085 -command rebuildReadmeHtmForBookProc -width $buttonWidth -height $buttonHeight \
4086 -background $bookButtonColor]
4088 set fullLatexCompileBookButton \
4089 [button .b4 -padx $buttonPadx -pady $buttonPady \
4090 -text "BOOK: Full LaTeX Compile\nAnd Index" \
4091 -command fullLatexCompileAndIndexProc -width $buttonWidth -height $buttonHeight \
4092 -background $bookButtonColor]
4094 grid $rebuildMasterFilesButton -row 0 -column 1
4095 grid $rebuildReadmeHtmBookButton -row 1 -column 1
4096 grid $fullLatexCompileBookButton -row 2 -column 1
4098 grid $exitButton -row 3 -column 1
4100 outboth "Buttons formed and awaiting press."
4101 hlineboth
4103 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4104 # End of CP_SCRIPT.TCL
4105 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name Value
svn:eol-style native
svn:keywords Header

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