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dashley |
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%$Header: /home/dashley/cvsrep/e3ft_gpl01/e3ft_gpl01/dtaipubs/esrgubka/volshare/workacks.tex,v 1.4 2003/11/28 23:46:32 dtashley Exp $
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I am very grateful for all
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of the assistance I have received with this set of works (the book,
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the tool set, and supplemental materials). I would
7 |
like to extend my gratitude to the following individuals
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and institutions.
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For assistance in procuring \LaTeXe{} (\emph{4allTex} Version 5), I am
11 |
grateful to Mr. Erik Frambach, Mr. Gerard van Nes, and the Dutch
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\TeX{} User's Group.
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14 |
For assistance in learning how to use \LaTeX{} and \TeX{}, I am
15 |
especially grateful to Mr. Tobias Oetiker\footnote{Author of
16 |
\emph{The Not So Short Introduction To \LaTeXe{}}, which is
17 |
available on the Web.},
18 |
who provided detailed e-mail answers to all of
19 |
my questions. Mr. Oetiker also provided the source code for his
20 |
document on the Web, and I was able to use this as a template to
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jump-start me in the direction of an aesthetically pleasing
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\LaTeX{} book. I am also grateful to the Dutch \TeX{}
23 |
User's Group, the UK \TeX{}
24 |
User's Group (UKTUG), and many helpful posters on the
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\texttt{comp.text.tex} newsgroup
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\cite{bibref:n:comptexttex} for support.
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28 |
For hosting this project (the book, the tool set, and all supporting
29 |
materials), I am very grateful to \index{SourceForge}\emph{SourceForge}
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(\texttt{http://www.sourceforge.net})---coordinating and
31 |
distributing this project simply would not have been possible without
32 |
their support. At SourceForge, I am very grateful to Mr.
33 |
Jacob Moorman for technical support and assistance on many,
34 |
many occasions.
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I would like to acknowledge the contribution of \index{GNU}GNU
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\index{Free Software Foundation (FSF)}The Free Software Foundation
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(\texttt{http://www.fsf.org}), and all of the open-source
40 |
developers in the world who have produced many excellent and
41 |
helpful products, including
42 |
\LaTeX{} (used to write this book) and
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\index{Tcl}\emph{Tcl} (the basis
44 |
for much of \emph{The ESRG Tool Set}).
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Finally, I would like to gratefully acknowledge the
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topic-specific contributions of the individuals who are
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acknowledged at the end of each chapter.
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$RCSfile: workacks.tex,v $
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$Source: /home/dashley/cvsrep/e3ft_gpl01/e3ft_gpl01/dtaipubs/esrgubka/volshare/workacks.tex,v $
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$Revision: 1.4 $
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$Author: dtashley $
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$Date: 2003/11/28 23:46:32 $
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% $Log: workacks.tex,v $
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% Revision 1.4 2003/11/28 23:46:32 dtashley
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% Acknowledgements updated.
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% Revision 1.3 2001/06/19 00:15:33 dtashley
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% Preface finished, acks modified to include gratitude to
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% SourceForge, and name of tool set changed from IjuTools
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% to The Iju Tool Set.
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% Revision 1.2 2001/06/19 00:03:26 dtashley
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% Conversion out of binary mode for CVS maintenance.
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%$History: workacks.tex $
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% ***************** Version 7 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 1/01/01 Time: 8:13p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Shared, Volume Sections, Styles, And Graphics
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% Edits.
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% ***************** Version 6 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 6/15/00 Time: 7:34p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Shared, Volume Sections, Styles, And Graphics
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% Minor omitted word corrected.
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% ***************** Version 5 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 6/13/00 Time: 9:31p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Shared, Volume Sections, Styles, And Graphics
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% Lou Miller added to acks for Vidal Sassoon quote.
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% ***************** Version 4 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 6/12/00 Time: 2:57p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Shared, Volume Sections, Styles, And Graphics
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% Decided that VC info better placed as figure.
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% ***************** Version 3 *****************
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% User: Dashley1 Date: 6/12/00 Time: 2:43p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Shared, Volume Sections, Styles, And Graphics
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% Version control information added to be printable.
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% ***************** Version 2 *****************
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% User: David T. Ashley Date: 6/11/00 Time: 2:53p
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% Updated in $/uC Software Multi-Volume Book (A)/Shared, Across Volumes
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% Version control information added.
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