%$Header: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgpcpj/doc/engman01/c_sup0/c_sup0.tex,v 1.2 2002/06/26 01:01:49 dtashley Exp $ % \chapter[Support And Collaboration] {Obtaining Support And Collaborating Electronically} \label{csup0} This chapter outlines support options; specifically: \begin{itemize} \item How to obtain support if \emph{The \tsname{}} does not behave as expected. \item How to obtain support if there is difficulty building the tool set from source code. \item How to obtain support in collaboration (in contributing to the book, or in extending the tool set). \item How to report tool bugs or errors/omissions in documentation. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Mailing List Support And Collaboration} \label{csup0:smls0} \index{mailing lists}\index{discussion lists} The foremost support option is to join one of the mailing lists listed in Table \ref{tbl:csup0:smls0:01}. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline Mailing List & Scope & Subscription, Moderation, \\ Base Name & & And Archive Availability \\ & & Policy \\ \hline \hline \texttt{esrgmgmt} & Used by the management & Subscription by invitation\\ & of the ESRG to discuss & only. Posts unmoderated \\ & research and policy & but must come from sub- \\ & & scribed members. Archives\\ & & available to subscribed \\ & & members only. \\ \hline \texttt{esrgtsbug} & Discussion of tool set & Unmoderated subscription. \\ & bugs and suspected bugs. & Unmoderated posts. \\ & research and policy & Archives available to \\ & issues. & subscribed members only. \\ \hline \texttt{esrgtsdev} & Discussion of tool set & Unmoderated subscription. \\ & software development. & Unmoderated posts. \\ & & Archives available to \\ & & subscribed members only. \\ \hline \texttt{esrgtslic} & Discussion of tool set & Unmoderated subscription. \\ & license questions and & Unmoderated posts. \\ & issues. & Archives available to \\ & & subscribed members only. \\ \hline \texttt{esrgtsusr} & Discussion of tool set & Unmoderated subscription. \\ & issues that arise through& Unmoderated posts. \\ & using the tool set, i.e. & Archives available to \\ & ordinary support & subscribed members only. \\ & questions. & \\ \hline \hline \texttt{esrgubka} & Discussion of all issues & Unmoderated subscription. \\ & related to the authorship& Unmoderated posts. \\ & and production of the & Archives available to \\ & companion book. & subscribed members only. \\ \hline \hline \texttt{esrgucsw} & Discussion of [primarily & Unmoderated subscription. \\ & research and best & Unmoderated posts. \\ & practice] issues in & Archives available to \\ & microcontroller software & subscribed members only. \\ & development. & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Support And Collaboration Mailing Lists Maintained By The ESRG} \label{tbl:csup0:smls0:01} \end{table} To join one of the mailing lists listed in Table \ref{tbl:csup0:smls0:01}, it is only necessary to send an e-mail to the \index{mailing lists!subscribing} list manager \index{ezmlm-idx@\texttt{ezmlm-idx}}(\texttt{ezmlm-idx}). The request to subscribe must be sent to the e-mail address \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-}\emph{basename}\texttt{-subscribe@esrg.org}, \\ where \emph{basename} is the base name supplied in Table \ref{tbl:csup0:smls0:01}. For example, to join the \texttt{esrgtsusr} mailing list, an e-mail must be sent to \\ \longthingindent \texttt{list-esrgtsusr-subscribe@esrg.org}. \\ The \texttt{ezmlm-idx} list manager will respond with a confirmation e-mail which must be replied to, and then the subscription will be complete. After subscription, the subscribed e-mail address will receive all postings to the list. \index{mailing lists!posting}To post to a list (after subscription), send an e-mail to \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-}\emph{basename}\texttt{@esrg.org}, \\ where \emph{basename} is the base name supplied in Table \ref{tbl:csup0:smls0:01}. For example, to post to the \texttt{esrgtsusr} mailing list, an e-mail must be sent to \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-esrgtsusr@esrg.org}. \\ All lists allow attachments. \index{mailing lists!unsubscribing}To unsubscribe from a list, send an e-mail to \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-}\emph{basename}\texttt{-unsubscribe@esrg.org}, \\ where \emph{basename} is the base name supplied in Table \ref{tbl:csup0:smls0:01}. For example, to unsubscribe from the \texttt{esrgtsusr} mailing list, an e-mail must be sent to \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-esrgtsusr-unsubscribe@esrg.org}. The \texttt{ezmlm-idx} list manager will also allow past messages to be automatically retrieved, and has other useful features. To automatically obtain a list of all commands that can be issued to the \texttt{ezmlm-idx} list manager, an e-mail can be sent to \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-}\emph{basename}\texttt{-help@esrg.org}, \\ where \emph{basename} is the base name supplied in Table \ref{tbl:csup0:smls0:01}. For example, to obtain help for the \texttt{esrgtsusr} mailing list, an e-mail can be sent to \\ \longthingindent\texttt{list-esrgtsusr-help@esrg.org}. \\ The \texttt{ezmlm-idx} list manager will reply with a help message. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Contacting Individuals Within The ESRG} \label{csup0:scin0} Directly contacting individuals within the ESRG is not recommended. There are several reasons for this: \begin{itemize} \item A post to one of the mailing lists is more likely to put the problem or question in the hands of the person who is best able to answer it. \item E-mails sent to individuals are not automatically archived. \item Answers to e-mails sent to individuals do not receive the benefits of peer review. \item E-mail sent to individuals may result in an inordinate support load on some individuals. \end{itemize} For this reason, please do not send e-mails with questions or requests for support directly to individuals within the ESRG. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \noindent\begin{figure}[!b] \noindent\rule[-0.25in]{\textwidth}{1pt} \begin{tiny} \begin{verbatim} $RCSfile: c_sup0.tex,v $ $Source: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgpcpj/doc/engman01/c_sup0/c_sup0.tex,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Author: dtashley $ $Date: 2002/06/26 01:01:49 $ \end{verbatim} \end{tiny} \noindent\rule[0.25in]{\textwidth}{1pt} \end{figure} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %$Log: c_sup0.tex,v $ %Revision 1.2 2002/06/26 01:01:49 dtashley %Edits, safety checkin. % %Revision 1.1 2002/06/25 02:42:44 dtashley %Initial checkin. % %End of C_SUP0.TEX.