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Sat Oct 8 06:11:57 2016 UTC (7 years, 11 months ago) by dashley
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7 <title>SourceForge Bug Tracker, Feature Request Tracker, And Support Tracker
8 Categories And Groups</title>
9 <base target="main">
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12 <body background="../../bkgnds/bk10.gif">
14 <p align="center"><b><font size="5">SourceForge Bug Tracker, Feature Request
15 Tracker, And Support Tracker Categories And Groups</font></b></p>
16 <hr>
17 <p>If you'd like to submit a bug report, feature request, or support request
18 through <a href="http://www.sourceforge.net">SourceForge</a>'s system, this
19 document explains the meaning of the <i>category</i> and <i>group</i> selections
20 when entering an item in the database.</p>
21 <p>The patch tracking system at <a href="http://www.sourceforge.net">SourceForge</a>
22 is not used.&nbsp; As explained <a href="../version_nums/vn_policy.htm">here</a>,
23 the notion of the <i>patch</i> is not used in the ESRG release procedures.</p>
24 <hr>
25 <p align="center"><b><u><font size="5">Bug Tracker Categories And Groups</font></u></b></p>
26 <p><b><u>Bug Tracker <i>Category</i></u></b></p>
27 <p>In brief, the <i>category</i> field of the bug tracking system is used to
28 identify the product (Windows® tool set, *nix tool set, book, etc.) in which
29 the problem exists.&nbsp; The <i>group</i> field is used to identify the
30 software version in which the problem exists.</p>
31 <p>Below is a screen snapshot showing how the choice of <i>category</i> is made
32 when submitting a bug report.</p>
33 <p align="center"><img border="0" src="ss_cat_sel_01.gif" width="156" height="214"></p>
34 <p>The table below provides an explanation of all of the categories
35 available.&nbsp; Each <i>category</i> that can be selected when entering a bug
36 into the bug tracker consists of a product (the rows of the table) combined with
37 a column (the problem area of the product).</p>
38 <table border="2" width="100%">
39 <tr>
40 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#CCFF99"><b>Product
41 Area Exhibiting Bug</b></td>
42 <td width="12%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>Build</b></td>
43 <td width="12%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>CVS</b></td>
44 <td width="12%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>Install</b></td>
45 <td width="13%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>Source</b></td>
46 <td width="13%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>Use</b></td>
47 <td width="13%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>Content</b></td>
48 <td width="13%" bgcolor="#CCFF99" rowspan="2"><b>CGI</b></td>
49 </tr>
50 <tr>
51 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#FF6666"><b>Product
52 Exhibiting Bug&nbsp;</b></td>
53 </tr>
54 <tr>
55 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#FF6666"><b>*nixTsEsrg</b><br>
56 <font size="1">(<i>Product:</i>&nbsp; The Unix, Linux, Free BSD, etc.
57 version of the ESRG tool set.&nbsp; <i>Mnemonic:</i>&nbsp; U<u>nix</u> <u>t</u>ool
58 <u>s</u>et <u>E</u>SRG.)</font></td>
59 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Bugs in the *nix tool set build process,
60 scripts, etc.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; *nix tool set does not build
61 properly on a certain *nix platform.)</font></td>
62 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Problems in the CVS archives of the *nix tool
63 set.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; the tip of a certain archive is a file
64 which will not compile.)</font></td>
65 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Bugs in the *nix tool set installation
66 downloads or installation process, scripts, etc.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp;
67 download will not un<i>tar</i> on a certain platform or will not install
68 on a certain platform.)</font></td>
69 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Anomalies in the *nix tool set source code or
70 scripts that have not been manifested in the build, installation, or tool
71 behavior.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; source files that do not meet a
72 coding standard, or documentation in the code which is incorrect.)</font></td>
73 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Bugs in the operation of the *nix tool set
74 itself.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; *nix tool set produces incorrect
75 results, coredumps, etc.)</font></td>
76 <td width="13%">
77 <p align="center">N/A</td>
78 <td width="13%">
79 <p align="center">N/A</td>
80 </tr>
81 <tr>
82 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#FF6666"><b>BkPracGuide</b><br>
83 <font size="1">(<i>Product:</i> The book under construction, &quot;A
84 Practioner's Guide ...&quot;.&nbsp; <i>Mnemonic:</i>&nbsp; <u>B</u>oo<u>k</u>
85 &quot;<u>Prac</u>titioner's <u>Guide</u> ...&quot;.)</font></td>
86 <td width="12%"><font size="1">The book does not build properly from LaTeX
87 source code on some platform.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>
88 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Problems in the CVS archives of the
89 book&nbsp; which are not content-related.</font></td>
90 <td width="12%">
91 <p align="center">N/A</td>
92 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Bugs in the source code of the book which do
93 not manifest themselves in the output.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp;
94 ill-advised LaTeX usage.)</font></td>
95 <td width="13%">
96 <p align="center"><font size="1">Problems in the LaTeX or .PDF output of
97 the book which are not related to technical content.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp;
98 lines which are too long and run into the margins.)</font></td>
99 <td width="13%"><font size="1">The content of the book is defective.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>
100 incorrect theorems, incorrect proofs, spelling errors, incorrect equation
101 numbers cited, etc.)</font></td>
102 <td width="13%">
103 <p align="center">N/A</td>
104 </tr>
105 <tr>
106 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#FF6666"><b>EsLibEsrg</b><br>
107 <font size="1">(<i>Product:</i> The embedded systems library of&nbsp; the
108 ESRG.&nbsp; <i>Mnemonic:</i>&nbsp; <u>E</u>mbedded <u>s</u>ystems <u>lib</u>rary
109 <u>ESRG</u>.)</font></td>
110 <td width="12%"><font size="1">The library does not build properly on one of
111 the recommended platforms with the recommended tools.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>
112 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Problems in the CVS archives of the
113 library&nbsp; which are not content-related.</font></td>
114 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Bugs in the library downloads or installation
115 process, scripts, etc.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; installation .ZIP file
116 will not unZIP using WinZip.)</font></td>
117 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Anomalies in the library source code or
118 scripts that have not been manifested in the build, installation, or
119 library behavior.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; source files that do not
120 meet a coding standard, or documentation in the code which is incorrect.)</font></td>
121 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Bugs in the operation of the libraries.&nbsp;
122 (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; mathematical function produces incorrect result.)</font></td>
123 <td width="13%">
124 <p align="center">N/A</td>
125 <td width="13%">
126 <p align="center">N/A</td>
127 </tr>
128 <tr>
129 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#FF6666"><b>WebSfEsrgTs</b><br>
130 <font size="1">(<i>Product:</i>&nbsp; ESRG tool set web content at
131 SourceForge.&nbsp; <i>Mnemonic:</i>&nbsp; <u>Web</u> <u>S</u>ource<u>F</u>orge
132 <u>ESRG</u> <u>t</u>ool <u>s</u>et.)</font></td>
133 <td width="12%">
134 <p align="center">N/A</td>
135 <td width="12%">
136 <p align="center">N/A</td>
137 <td width="12%">
138 <p align="center">N/A</td>
139 <td width="13%">
140 <p align="center">N/A</td>
141 <td width="13%">
142 <p align="center">N/A</td>
143 <td width="13%"><font size="1">The web at <a href="http://esrg.sourceforge.net">http://esrg.sourceforge.net</a>
144 is incorrect.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i> incorrect information, spelling
145 errors, etc.)</font></td>
146 <td width="13%"><font size="1">A CGI application at <a href="http://esrg.sourceforge.net">http://esrg.sourceforge.net</a>
147 does not work properly (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; The Euclid's GCD algorithm
148 CGI-BIN script provides incorrect results.)</font></td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr>
151 <td width="12%" style="border-right-style: solid" bgcolor="#FF6666"><b>WinTsEsrg</b><br>
152 <font size="1">(<i>Product:</i>&nbsp; The Windows® version of the ESRG
153 tool set.&nbsp; <i>Mnemonic:</i>&nbsp; <u>Win</u>dows® <u>t</u>ool <u>s</u>et
154 <u>ESRG</u>.)</font></td>
155 <td width="12%"><font size="1">The Windows® tool set does not build
156 properly on one of the recommended platforms with the recommended
157 tools.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></td>
158 <td width="12%"><font size="1">Problems in the CVS archives of the Windows®
159 tool set.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; the tip of a certain archive is a
160 file which will not compile.)</font></td>
161 <td width="12%"><font size="1">The Windows® installation does not work
162 correctly on one of the supported platforms.</font></td>
163 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Anomalies in the Windows® tool set source
164 code or scripts that have not been manifested in the build, installation,
165 or tool behavior.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; source files that do not
166 meet a coding standard, or documentation in the code which is incorrect.)</font></td>
167 <td width="13%"><font size="1">Bugs in the operation of the Windows® tool
168 set itself.&nbsp; (<i>Example:</i>&nbsp; Windows® tool set produces
169 incorrect results, protection faults, etc.)</font></td>
170 <td width="13%">
171 <p align="center">N/A</td>
172 <td width="13%">
173 <p align="center">N/A</td>
174 </tr>
175 </table>
176 <p><b><u><br>
177 Bug Tracker <i>Group</i></u></b></p>
178 <p>The <i>group</i> field of the bug tracking system is used to identify the
179 version of the software to which the bug should be attached.&nbsp; The two
180 choices are:</p>
181 <ul>
182 <li>Attach the bug to a specific version of the product.</li>
183 <li>Attach the bug as a &quot;floating&quot; bug, meaning that the bug is
184 present in the latest release of the product and is expected to persist in
185 all future releases until corrected.</li>
186 </ul>
187 <p>The screen snapshot below shows typical choices for the <i>group</i>
188 field.&nbsp; Note that no version number detail beyond major and minor version
189 number is offered.</p>
190 <p align="center"><img border="0" src="ss_grp_sel_01.gif" width="171" height="87"></p>
191 <p>&nbsp;</p>
192 <hr>
193 <p align="center"><b><u><font size="5">Feature Request Tracker Categories And
194 Groups</font></u></b></p>
195 <p><b><u>Feature Request Tracker <i>Category</i></u></b></p>
196 <p>The <i>category</i> field of the feature request tracker is used to indicate
197 the product in which the feature addition is desired.&nbsp; The screen snapshot
198 below illustrates the choices available.&nbsp; Note that the product mnemonics
199 are the same as for the bug tracker <i>category</i> fields (described above).</p>
200 <p align="center"><img border="0" src="ss_cat_sel_02.gif" width="103" height="134"></p>
201 <p>The <i>group</i> field of the feature request tracker is used to indicate
202 whether the feature is viewed as a long-term or a short-term feature.&nbsp; The
203 screen snapshot below indicates the choices available.</p>
204 <p align="center"><img border="0" src="ss_grp_sel_02.gif" width="180" height="86"></p>
205 <p>&nbsp;</p>
206 <hr>
207 <p align="center"><b><u><font size="5">Support Tracker Categories And Groups</font></u></b></p>
208 <p><b><u>Support Tracker <i>Category</i></u></b></p>
209 <p>The <i>category</i> field of the support tracker is used to indicate the
210 product for which support is requested.&nbsp; The screen snapshot below
211 illustrates the choices available.&nbsp; Note that the product mnemonics are the
212 same as for the bug tracker <i>category</i> fields (described above).&nbsp; Note
213 also that CVS is included, to allow difficulties in interacting with the version
214 control archives to be specified.</p>
215 <p align="center"><img border="0" src="ss_cat_sel_03.gif" width="103" height="150"></p>
216 <p>The <i>group</i> field of the support tracker is used to indicate the version
217 number of the ESRG product with which support is requested.</p>
218 <p align="center"><img border="0" src="ss_grp_sel_03.gif" width="56" height="71"></p>
219 <hr>
220 <p align="center" style="margin-top: -2; margin-bottom: -1"><font size="1">This
221 web page is maintained by <a href="mailto:dtashley@users.sourceforge.net">David
222 T. Ashley</a>.<br>$Header: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgweba/htdocs/devels/sf_track_cats_grps/info_sf_track_cats_grps.htm,v 1.2 2003/04/27 08:11:08 dtashley Exp $</font></p>
223 <hr noshade size="5">
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