# $Header: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgpcpj/_dircnts.txt,v 1.2 2002/01/26 09:40:11 dtashley Exp $ SUBDIRECTORY /esrgpcpj CONTENTS This subdirectory contains software projects developed by the ESRG which are designed to run on a "large" computer (i.e. a personal computer or larger). This may include some embedded system software components when the software components are portable and can be used on desktop computers as well. Please see the "_license.txt" file for licensing information. MNEMONIC "esrg" is short for "Embedded Systems Research Group". "pc" is short for "personal computer". "pj" is short for "projects". #************************************************************************** # $Log: _dircnts.txt,v $ # Revision 1.2 2002/01/26 09:40:11 dtashley # Minor formatting change (line removal). # # Revision 2002/01/26 09:37:24 dtashley # Initial creation/checkin. #************************************************************************** # End of _dircnts.txt.