ESRG Download Release Policy

As mentioned here, each release is "all or nothing".  Each release will be assigned a new version number, and then all of the following files will be released at the same time.  In the following table, <v_n> means the version number as described here with all dots replaced by underscores and all letters lower-case.

Release Release Format Naming Convention
Windows® Tool Set InstallShield Express installation executable. esrg_win_ts_<v_n>.exe


Windows® Tool Set Source Code .tar.gz file with EOL characters of text files converted to Windows format so that files can be used directly on a Windows® system after decompression with WinZip or a similar utility. esrg_win_ts_src_<v_n>.tar.gz

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

*nix Tool Set .tar.gz file containing source code and build files, with EOL characters in *nix format (since the source code will be compiled on a *nix system).  esrg_nix_ts_<v_n>.tar.gz

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

Book "A Practitioner's Guide ..." .pdf file. esrg_ubka_<v_n>.pdf

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

Book "A Practitioner's Guide ..." Source Code .tar.gz file with EOL characters of text files converted to Windows format so that files can be used directly on a Windows® system after decompression with WinZip or a similar utility. esrg_ubka_src_<v_n>.pdf

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

Embedded System Libraries .tar.gz file with EOL characters of text files converted to Windows format so that files can be used directly on a Windows® system after decompression with WinZip or a similar utility. esrg_eslib_<v_n>.pdf

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

RTOS's, Kernels, Schedulers, And Integrated Software Components .tar.gz file with EOL characters of text files converted to Windows format so that files can be used directly on a Windows® system after decompression with WinZip or a similar utility. esrg_rtos_<v_n>.tar.gz

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

PHP Library .tar.gz file with EOL characters in *nix format (since the PHP scripts will be used on a *nix server). esrg_phpa_<v_n>.tar.gz

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

Web Content .tar.gz file with EOL characters of text files in *nix format (since the web content will be used on a *nix server). esrg_weba_<v_n>.tar.gz

(See example of file name above for Windows® tool set.)

Additional Notes:

  1. The majority of the release files cited above are prepared on SourceForge's shell servers using a single script.  This is done to ease the burden of data transfer over a modem connection.  At this time only the book .PDF file requires preparation on a Windows® platform.
  2. There are some materials not packaged above.  These materials are: Note that these materials are only available via anonymous CVS.
  3. Because of the preparation on a foreign platform (.tar.gz files of source code to be used on a Windows® platform are prepared on a *nix platform), there must be rules for the naming of text files so that the unix2dos utility will be invoked only on text files.  It may be instructive to review these rules, arranged by CVS module.

This web page is maintained by David T. Ashley.
$Header: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgweba/htdocs/devels/dwn_rel_policy/dwn_rel_policy.htm,v 1.3 2003/04/27 08:11:07 dtashley Exp $