List Of ESRG Tool Set Mailing Lists, Their Scopes, And Administrative Instructions

The following mailing lists are set up at SourceForge for The ESRG Tool Set.

Mailing List And List Home Page Scope Of Mailing List
Esrg-Cvs "Commit" and "Add" messages generated automatically as files and directories are added to and checked into the CVS version control system at SourceForge.

If you subscribe to this list, you will receive notice of all CVS adds and commits for the project.

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this list, visit the home page (hyperlinked to by the list name in the table column to the left).

Please don't post to this list (it is for automatically-generated CVS messages only).

Esrg-Discuss All discussion regarding The ESRG Tool Set.

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this list, visit the home page (hyperlinked to by the list name in the table column to the left).

To post to this list, send an e-mail to

This web page is maintained by David T. Ashley.
$Header: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgweba/htdocs/devels/mailing_lists/mailing_lists.htm,v 1.2 2003/04/30 11:14:21 dtashley Exp $