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$RCSfile: left_nav.php,v $
$Date: 2003/04/30 08:50:44 $
$Revision: 1.14 $
$Author: dtashley $

ESRG Tool Set Home Page Left Navigation Pane and markup only. // c)At level 0 only, a "W" if the line is a "widow" line, (it has no // children at a lower level). At other levels, this value is ignored. // d)An "L" if all the text is a link. Currently this is not used. $ta = array( "0", "Welcome Page", "W", "L", "0", "What Is The ESRG, Anyway?", "W", "L", "0", "Overview Of Offered Products", "W", "L", "0", "Product Licenses", "W", "L", "0", "Windows Tool Set", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download tool set.", "", "", "1", "Download source code.", "", "", "1", "Build the tool set from source code.", "", "", "1", "Report a bug.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "", "*nix Tool Set", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download tool set.", "", "", "1", "Download source code.", "", "", "1", "Build the tool set from source code.", "", "", "1", "Report a bug.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "0", "Book", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download the book.", "", "", "1", "Download book source code.", "", "", "1", "Build the book from source code.", "", "", "1", "Report a mistake.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "0", "Embedded System Libraries", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download the libraries.", "", "", "1", "Download library source code.", "", "", "1", "Build the libraries from source code.", "", "", "1", "Report a bug.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "0", "Embedded System RTOS's, Kernels, Schedulers, And Integrated Software Components", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download the products.", "", "", "1", "Download product source code.", "", "", "1", "Build the products from source code.", "", "", "1", "Report a bug.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "0", "PHP Library", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download the library.", "", "", "1", "Report a bug.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "0", "Site Web Content", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "Download the web content.", "", "", "1", "Report a bug.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "1", "Join a mailing list.", "", "", "1", "Contribute.", "", "", "0", "Frequently Requested Standalone Windows Utilities", "", "", "1", "MD5 calculation utility.", "", "", "1", "Best rational approximation utility.", "", "", "0", "CGI-BIN Number Theory Utilities", "", "", "1", "Description.", "", "", "1", "GCD calculator (Euclid's classic algorithm).", "", "", "1", "Miller-Rabin probable primality test.", "", "", "1", "Prime factorization of an integer (18 or fewer digits).", "", "", "1", "Best rational approximation calculator (continued fraction algorithm).", "", "", "1", "Rational number with smallest denominator in an interval calculator (continued fraction algorithm).", "", "", "0", "Other CGI-BIN Utilities", "", "", "1", "htpasswd-style password hash generator.", "", "", "0", "Technical Resources And Howtos", "W", "L", "0", "Embedded Systems Links", "W", "L", "0", "Employment Resources", "", "", "1", "General information and suggestions.", "", "", "1", "List of placement professionals and some contributed resources.", "", "", "0", "SourceForge Project And Site", "", "", "1", "Search (both site and WWW).", "", "", "1", "Site statistics.", "", "", "1", "ESRG downloads.", "", "", "1", "Browse CVS archives.", "", "", "0", "Author Web Pages", "", "", "1", "Dave Ashley", "", "", "0", "For Developers And Collaborators", "", "", "1", "Policies, procedures, checklists, and other information for developers and collaborators.", "", "", "0", "Glossary Of Products, Terms, Etc.", "W", "L", "0", "Acknowledgements", "W", "L", ); //Do our Google search box. google_search_box(); //Iterate through the table, tossing out HTML. This should be very self-explanatory. $limit = count($ta); for ($i=0; $i<$limit; $i+=4) { if (($ta[$i] == 0) && ($ta[$i+2] == "W")) { echo "

"; echo ""; echo $ta[$i+1]; echo ""; echo "

"; echo "\n"; } if (($ta[$i] == 0) && ($ta[$i+2] != "W")) { echo "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo $ta[$i+1]; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; echo "\n"; } elseif ($ta[$i] == 1) { echo "
  • "; echo "

    "; echo ""; echo $ta[$i+1]; echo ""; echo "

    "; echo "
  • "; echo "\n"; } //We need to do some voodo to start and end lists. //We start a list if the current item is level 0 and the next one is level 1. //We end a list on the reverse. //Rules may get more complicated in the future, but for now these are OK. if (($i+4) >= $limit) { //We are at last element. if ($ta[$i] == 1) { echo "\n"; } } else { if (($ta[$i] == 1) && ($ta[$i+4] == 0)) { echo "\n"; } elseif (($ta[$i] == 0) && ($ta[$i+4] == 1)) { echo "