ESRG Product Offering Overview

The ESRG offers the following products.  (By product, we do not mean commercial product.  All of our products are free and open-source.)

Product Product Application Source Code Application
Windows® Tool Set
A Windows® tool set primarily for embedded work, packaged as an InstallShield Express® installation executable.
  • Microcontroller product builds.
  • Calculations and functionality unique to embedded system design and development.
  • General scripting.
  • Product can be customized, modified, or enhanced.
  • Product can be rebuilt for the purpose of source-level debugging.
  • Software components can be harvested for other Windows® applications.
*nix Tool Set
A *nix tool set.  This tool set consists exclusively of ports of useful command-line (non-GUI) utilities from the Windows® tool set.
  • Best rational approximation and number theory calculations on *nix platforms.
  • Product can be customized, modified, or enhanced.
  • Product can be rebuilt for the purpose of source-level debugging.
  • Software components can be harvested for other *nix applications.
Embedded System Development Book
A book in development, tentatively entitled "A Practitioner's Guide To The Design And Development Of Small Microcontroller Software".
  • Book contains many mathematical results and much practical insight not available elsewhere.
  • Book also contains the documentation for Windows® and *nix tool sets.
  • LaTeX source code can be used an example for others producing books, or can be harvested for other documents.
  • Build method (using a Tcl script) provides many advantages and can also be used in other LaTeX projects.
Embedded System Libraries
Embedded system libraries providing functionality which is typically tedious and error-prone to implement (filters, control system blocks, etc.) for a variety of CPU cores and development tool sets.
  • Libraries can save much development time and risk in embedded product development, because the functions implemented are often difficult to code.
  • Product can be customized, modified, or enhanced.
  • Product can be rebuilt for the purpose of source-level debugging.
Embedded System RTOS's And Schedulers
A set of two products (one non-preemptive, one preemptive) representing the best known software architectures for embedded systems. 
  • Products can save development time and risk in embedded product development by allowing the utilization of proven solutions.
  • Product can be customized, modified, or enhanced.
  • Product can be rebuilt for the purpose of source-level debugging.
PHP Library
A library of PHP include files and scripts which implement useful functionality.
  • PHP include files and scripts can be used directly in PHP-based web sites or pages.
  • Product can be customized, modified, or enhanced for an application; or software components can be harvested for other web projects.
  • Product provides useful insight and documentation for PHP authors wishing to implement similar functionality.
Site Web Content
All web content for this site as staged at SourceForge, including HTML files, graphics, PHP scripts, supporting documentation and files, and support executables.
  • Pages, scripts, graphics, and files can be directly ported to other sites.
  • Scripts can be used as a guideline for those implementing similar functionality in other web development projects.
  • Implementation of number theory web pages provides a blueprint for others attempting to use the GMP in dynamic web pages.

This web page is maintained by David T. Ashley.
$Header: /cvsroot/esrg/sfesrg/esrgweba/htdocs/prod_ovw/overview.htm,v 1.3 2003/04/26 10:05:01 dtashley Exp $