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Contents of /to_be_filed/webprojs/pamc/gen_a/docs/manual/man_a/man_a.tex

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Revision 19 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Sat Oct 8 04:30:47 2016 UTC (8 years ago) by dashley
File MIME type: application/x-tex
File size: 3990 byte(s)
Initial commit.
1 %$Header: /home/dashley/cvsrep/e3ft_gpl01/e3ft_gpl01/webprojs/pamc/gen_a/docs/manual/man_a/man_a.tex,v 1.13 2007/07/11 14:31:40 dashley Exp $
2 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,titlepage]{custbook}
4 %
5 \pagestyle{headings}
6 %
7 \usepackage{amsmath}
8 \usepackage{amsfonts}
9 \usepackage{amssymb}
10 \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc}
11 \usepackage[OT1]{fontenc}
12 \usepackage{graphicx}
13 \usepackage{longtable}
14 \usepackage{makeidx}
15 %
16 %Define certain conspicuous global constants.
17 \newcommand{\productbasename}{PAMC}
18 \newcommand{\productversion}{0.1}
19 \newcommand{\productname}{\productbasename{}-\productversion}
20 %
21 %Embarrassingly, I've forgotten why "makeindex" is necessary ...
22 \makeindex
23 %
24 %Shared mathematical definitions
25 \input{comps/workmdef}
26 %
27 %Hyphenation exceptions
28 \input{comps/workhxcp}
29 %
30 %New environments, etc.
31 \input{comps/worknenv}
32 %
33 \begin{document}
34 %
35 %Index "see" definitions
36 \input{comps/workidxs}
37 %
38 %Title page(s)
39 \input{comps/workttla}
40 %
41 %
42 \vspace{-0.45in}
43 %
44 %Version control information for this file.
45 \noindent\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
46 \noindent\rule[-0.25in]{\textwidth}{1pt}
47 \begin{tiny}
48 \begin{verbatim}
49 $RCSfile: man_a.tex,v $
50 $Source: /home/dashley/cvsrep/e3ft_gpl01/e3ft_gpl01/webprojs/pamc/gen_a/docs/manual/man_a/man_a.tex,v $
51 $Revision: 1.13 $
52 $Author: dashley $
53 $Date: 2007/07/11 14:31:40 $
54 \end{verbatim}
55 \end{tiny}
56 \noindent\rule[0.25in]{\textwidth}{1pt}
57 \end{minipage}
58 %
59 %Declare this as frontmatter, the front portion before the meat
60 %of the book.
61 \frontmatter{}
62 %
63 %Preface
64 \input{comps/workprfa}
65 %
66 %Acknowledgements
67 \input{comps/workacks}
68 %
69 %Table of contents
70 \tableofcontents
71 %
72 %List of tables
73 \listoftables
74 %
75 %List of figures
76 \listoffigures
77 %
78 %List of procedures and checklists
79 \listofprocchklsts
80 %
81 %Everything after this is the main matter, the "meat"
82 %of the book.
83 \mainmatter{}
84 %
85 % Part: General Information
86 \part{General Information}
88 % Chapter: Introduction and Overview
89 \input{c_iov0/c_iov0}
91 % Part: Technical Information
92 \part{Technical Information}
94 % Chapter: Technical Background
95 \input{c_tbg0/c_tbg0}
97 % Chapter: Software Component Descriptions and Designs
98 \input{c_sco0/c_sco0}
100 % Part: Installation and Maintenance
101 \part{Installation and Maintenance}
103 % Chapter: Installation
104 \input{c_ist0/c_ist0}
106 % Chapter: Maintenance
107 \input{c_mai0/c_mai0}
109 % Part: User Information
110 \part{User Information}
112 % Chapter: PAMC Core Functionality
113 \input{c_cfn0/c_cfn0}
115 % Chapter: The Employee Hours Database Application
116 \input{c_ehd0/c_ehd0}
118 % Chapter: The Software Release Vault Application
119 \input{c_srv0/c_srv0}
121 % Part: Procedures and Checklists
122 \part{Procedures and Checklists}
124 % Chapter: Procedures and Checklists
125 \input{c_ppc0/c_ppc0}
127 % Part: Appendices, Bibliography, and Index
128 \part{Appendices, Bibliography, and Index}
130 %Mark the start of appendices. This causes numbering to be with letters
131 %instead of numbers.
132 \appendix
134 %Glossary of Terms
135 \input{c_glo0/c_glo0}
136 %
137 %Glossary of Mathematical Notation
138 \input{c_glo1/c_glo1}
139 %
140 %Glossary of GET, POST, and Cookie Parameters
141 \input{c_glo4/c_glo4}
142 %
143 %Glossary of Global Variables, User-Persistent Named State,
144 %and Session-Temporary Named State
145 \input{c_glo2/c_glo2}
146 %
147 %Glossary of User Permission Attributes
148 \input{c_glo3/c_glo3}
149 %
150 %Bibliography
151 \cleardoublepage
152 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}
153 \input{comps/workbibl}
154 %
155 %Index Must Be Formed At This Directory Level
156 \cleardoublepage
157 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}
158 \printindex
159 %
160 \end{document}
161 %
162 %$Log: man_a.tex,v $
163 %Revision 1.13 2007/07/11 14:31:40 dashley
164 %Edits.
165 %
166 %Revision 1.12 2007/07/11 01:36:52 dashley
167 %Edits.
168 %
169 %Revision 1.11 2007/06/11 23:08:34 dashley
170 %Edits.
171 %
172 %Revision 1.10 2007/06/06 01:46:46 dashley
173 %Addition of chapters.
174 %
175 %End of $RCSfile: man_a.tex,v $.

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